
Listen, as much as I hate to say it, when you’re on company time, you have to serve anybody and everybody unless they’ve actively caused problems for you/other employees in the store or have otherwise been officially banned from the premises. Ask someone else to take the order if a person or particular group of people

I have to say at times I do feel oppressed, though when I look around it’s other white people doing the oppressing. Hell, prior to yesterday I would’ve said all my jaw-droppingly stupid customers were some form of entitled white person in 10+ years of retail. It might be s little old fashioned, but maybe white peoples

Seems like this game falls into the, “Nice idea, horrible execution” category. Too bad, because I would be interested in a game that looked at abusive relationships when it’s a woman being abusive to a man either physically or emotionally. Being danger close to a pair of relationships like that(a friend who’s

“Dean Spanos is perhaps the best example of the world’s billionaire problem, a man whose wealth is no match for his irrationality.”

I can see your points. There is a big difference between having the thought and acting on it, but because of how devastating it is when someone does act on those urges that even seeking treatment probably carries a huge stigma. Most people will probably immediately judge someone who says, “I have sexual fantasies

On both a moral and logical level; why? Morally, how do you justify harming children just to get your rocks off? And beastality? Just, no...

I frequented a local hotdog place here in NY often enough that the owner and I got kind of friendly. He told me once his wife suggested he decorate the store in various colors for the Mets, Yankees, Giants and Jets. He told her he’d do all but the Jets; he didn’t want his business to fail, after all.

...Um, sorry, but I’m not sure you read what I said correctly. Nowhere did I say that cops just need more training when they’re shooting unarmed black men and women. That shit needs to be stopped and prosecuted when it does happen. What I said was that they tried at least one non-lethal method to stop an armed(in this

I don’t know; if the story the cops say is true(And that’s a huge if, but still), I’m a little hesitant to jump on them too quickly for over reacting in this one case. Yes, they were told he was non-violent, but their first introduction to him the cops have was him coming at them with a knife, and they did try to

Damn it, GameStop! People are going to be panicking about not having gravy and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving, and you’re going to make the poor bastards who are going to have to handle Black Friday crowds the next day also handle the few morons who just can’t wait 12 hours for the latest Call of Duty?!

Now, let’s not jump to conclusions here. A 5 pointed star is also a common representation of the Elder Sign. In Lovecraftian lore, the Elder Sign is used to seal away extra-dimensional horrors. For all we know, those Outbacks may be the only thing keeping us from drowning in a sea of madness from an Elder God.

Couple of jokes spring to mind here: The point of the game is to bring your opponent down to zero life, but they mean his life point total, NOT his actual life!

Sorry, but I’m having a hard time getting behind this one. Honestly, the Democrats are really stuck in a no-win situation. If they don’t compromise, they give Republicans fuel to say, “Well, the Democrats are only interested in their elite ideals, not what’s actually good for America.” It doesn’t matter that

O.K.; serious question here. As a civilian white male, on the off chance I happen to be around when a cop is obviously harassing someone for no obvious reason other than being black, how would you prefer I react in a situation like what happened above? Stay out of it? Make an independent recording? Make myself known

Good fucking job, white lady. You managed to stroke racist fears while feeding fuel to the fire of the idea that women make up rape accusations all the time just for attention.

What the hell is it with old men thinking they can just grab women? One of the known creepy old men wanted help finding something in the aisle of my store. As the only male on duty I was moving to help him, but another employee went out despite his stated, “affection” for her. I kept an eye on them, and watched as he

To be fully honest, I expected a blank page under the headline when I opened the article. Lazy move, maybe, but just as accurate

In other surprising news, the sky is blue and water is wet...

Little late to this party, but holy crap I had the exact same thing happen to me during my brief time as a Game Stop employee. I was already not thrilled when my customer was demanding a cash refund with no repecit, and had to do some digging to find out she bought it six months ago. Return policy is 30 days, so I

Crazy theory here, but is anybody else wondering if maybe somebody on the Cowboys staff could be behind the set up? I’d assume they have access to all his personal info, and I can’t imagine it would be that hard to find somebody who looks enough like Lucky to pass for him if you searched. Hell; I’d be willing to spend