
That also assumes he even got the summons to begin with. The guy may have lied about his address. Even then, while I’m not saying it’s good to ignore a court order, if the real Lucky did get it, he might have assumed it was a mistake or maybe was even in the process of working with his attorney to figure out what the

How has anybody in this administration not realized; loyalty is earned, and those who demand it not only will not return it but aren’t worthy of it in the first place.

So, if Trumpcare goes through, how many victims will future presidents be able to meet? I’m torn between tens of millions or none, since the victims will be dead.

I seriously wonder if Republicans spend more time making up excuses for crap bills than coming up with good ones.

If you’re going to ban toxic substances from New Jersey, you’re pretty much going to have to ban New Jersey altogether.

As someone who occasionally has to sell 40 oz cans of malt liquor occasionally, it IS a thing that still happens. Considering it’s 99% white males who buy them, however, you are correct about it being out of style.

I understand losing its exact place in a parking garage, but how the hell do you not even remember WHICH parking garage you put it in in the first line place?!

No, Mackenzie, NO. Whatever else divides us as a nation, whether it be politics, racism, sexism, discrimination, whatever; one of the few things almost EVERYBODY can agree on is the joy of the ice cream truck. Unless you’re lactose intolerant or a terrorist(redundant, I know), the happy jingle of the ice cream truck

Yeah, this was perhaps not Mr. Bennett’s best choice of words. Even if you were somehow blind to the color differences, overall I would rank the innocence of a kid who hadn’t even reached double digits as generally more innocent than a 40 year old.

Assuming the employee is a teenager, he really needs to be disciplined but not fired. If you’re on company time, you gotta follow their rules. I understand the hesitation, but if it’s just police he has a problem with, he should just ask someone else to handle the transaction. If it’s an adult employee, then they

Speaking as a white male myself, it’s always amazed me when another white male gets super defensive about being called a racist. Odds are, you were probably doing something kinda racist. I also don’t see too many people of color trying to interfere with a peaceful event full of white people, but I do see a lot of the

“No furries, despite the title!”

This woman’s claim’s needs to be throughly investigated. If what’s she’s claiming is true, it’s horrible and the people responsible need to be bought to justice...

There’s so many contradictions and things we don’t know I’m honestly not sure what the hell to make of this other than this is stupid on multiple levels.

So, this doctor seems a little racist...

Now, I’d have been O.K. with that if she’d called ALL the children rats. Children are inherently gross and getting into small, dirty spaces. Singling out the black students, though; not cool.

I went to a Domino’s by myself. I ate half a large pizza with chicken...

So we have a President who puss-grabs and a Vice President who cover-paws? This country...

Mind explaining your reasoning there? Because outside of obviously dickish behavior like if he worked on them with loud tools in the middle of the night, I don’t see a problem.

Listen to Trump bitch about someone else having nothing better to do on Twitter just makes me think, “Pot, meet kettle”.