
This story needs some more details before I can say anything about who’s ultimately responsible for how this coach/aide got away with what he did. Rather, I think we need to start developing ways to show kids that, despite the threats of molesteors that they’ll be hurt/killed or that no one will believe them if they

The cops who provided the testimony and the doctors who provided the false info about the baby’s condition definitely need to be punished, at minimum unpaid suspensions but mostly firings, and they better damn well be prepared for lawsuits.

“Woman Charged With Tearing Confederate Flag Tag Off Truck..”

Damn it, I... I don’t even know how to comment on this story. Can false rape accusations be really awful? Yes. Are they also super, super fucking rare and the furthest thing from an epidemic? Hell yes.

I’m not a violent person, but I feel like if Stein were to say to me in person she’s glad about our current situation, I would have to consciously and continually remind myself that punching a woman in the face is a bad idea to keep myself from cold-cocking her as a reflex.

Does anybody else appreciate the irony that the same groups who usually whine about people acting like special snowflakes are now whining about their feelings are hurt because of how a character that looks like Trump gets killed in a play?

I’d like to believe that most police officers are good people and color blind when it comes to how they handle a suspect. I’m sure there are officers who really are as well, but holy crap, I can understand why anybody of color may not have the same view as my white ass. Seriously, I’m half wondering if I see an

$5 says she was a Trump supporter too. I mean, seriously, how screwed up in the head do you have to be to encourage someone to end their own life just so you can fill a dream role?!

Hey, if it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it....

As a wolf demigoddess(in mind only), I was already upset with Mrs. Jenkins when she mentioned how, “It’s just embarrassing to be caught talking like a werewolf” during the early coverage of Pussygate. She’s just back sliding even further with this.

The petition went online the same day as Weiss’s review for Antoinette Nwandu’s play Pass Over at Steppenwolf Theatre, which is a reimagining of the play Waiting For Godot...

I think we can get over different political views under normal circumstances, but Trump throws any idea of normal out the window. I think you are within your rights to immediately leave and stick your blind date with the check if they admit to voting for Trump, unless they immediately follow it up with either, “And I

I dunno; I get what they were trying to go for, and it’s a nice gesture. At the same time, it kinda sends a mixed message at first glance, and I’m kind of surprised no one in PR at Skittles HQ thought that maybe they should think twice about this. I wonder if maybe it might have been better to just add some white

This is something I can attest to whole heartedly. I took a job freelancing for an online magazine myself a long time ago to supplement my crappy retail wages. First I was promised weekly articles. Then every other week. Then my editor wouldn’t respond for a month, and when she finally did it was always some excuse

So what’s next? Kicking small puppies? Stealing candy from babies? Or are we just gonna jump straight to murder?

This whole thing was just an extension of the metaphorical blowjob( and perhaps was followed by an actual one after the press was kicked out) given to Trump by his cabinet yesterday. The only benefit I see for Session’s testimony is to show Trump how good a minion he is so maybe Trump won’t fire him.

Reading this article four months later about the GOP needing to abandon Trump before he hurts their brand... yeah; not really seeing that...

Wow. So those Gallaudet guys were pretty tone deaf, huh?

“I know you can still razz Pats fan for going 18-1...”

Now, bear with me on what I’m about to say here, ladies and gentleman. On McMonagle’s statement about the only thing worse than sexual assault is the false accusation of sexual assault, I actually agree. Now, that having been said...