
Yet another reason for this New Yorker to avoid New Jersey, besides the awful roads and insane tolls. I swear; a Jersey is just a northern Florida.

So a grown adult threw a temper tantrum and refused to leave while holding a teacher hostage in her room till she changed a grade? Think there’s a lot of overprotective parents could be charged for the same thing...

Because nothing says, “I’m a superior being” like day-drinking on public transportation...

...Why? Why did ANYONE think this was a good idea to do? WHY!?

There’s a joke somewhere in here about these guys using a, “do what I say, not what I do” approach to teaching, but seriously, what the hell?....

Under most circumstances, I’d be fine with trying to rehabilitate someone, especially if they were a juvenile at the time...

Any bets on how long before the wing nuts blame this on an illegal immigrant who was about to be deported?

Despite the seemingly non-stop urge to smack the stupid out of people, I’m a pretty non-violent person. I can only imagine a limited number of scenarios where, if pressed, I’d be willing to truly kill someone, and those are pretty much limited to someone being an active threat to my own life or someone else’s.

Is it seriously impossible for any law enforcement involved in this situation to step back and say, “Do we REALLY want to press this? We already have strained relations with the black community; is this really the hill we want to die on?”

Given how often the average guy seems to get kicked out of the bedroom for doing something stupid... it’s basically identical, isn’t it?

Since we’re in a similar vein of thoughts, how are you on werewolves? Like the idea of being with a potential animal, or too much fur for your tastes?

Seriously, man? That’s not how you handle a weapon.

While I agree with your point about there being a reason why she didn’t a card for being an awful mother, it was also the Thursday before Mother’s Day. Maybe he only gave it to his grandmother because he wasn’t going to see her again before then. Maybe Mom should’ve waited till it was actually Mother’s Day before she

I’m with you on the Brady hate train, though I’m a Giants fan through and through. The Jets, well...

Though I’m usually the one giving the medication as a pharmacy technician, I can empathize with your situation. I know it can be stressful and embarrassing, and people(at least those with an idea of what’s happening in the political world) are worried about the future. If we seem jaded or unconcerned, it’s most likely

While I can appreciate the phallic look of that object, I’m pretty sure that’s actually a boot.

I was already pretty skeptical about a self-defense shooting claim when I first read this story this morning, but now hearing about how he was killed by a rifle round tells me that claim is almost certainly crap. If they were really coming at this officer in a hostile manner, there would be no time for him to get into

If you could help, I would like to request an expedited ruling on a personal case of shade accusation. A new customer asked me the price on her insurance to fill their prescription at my pharmacy. When I informed her she would need to give me her insurance card first before I could tell her that price, she told me

We got a 70+ year old in the White House who doesn’t take responsibility for his actions, so...

Wow; the comments are on fire with this one!