
What the heck is up with all the mouthfeel references lately? I only every heard it before from a judge on Bob’s Burgers, but now you’re mentioning it after I got a beer that talked about its mouthfeel.

This seems like the right call to me in terms of the charges, especially since being criminally stupid isn’t on the books.

“Me think he doth protest too much”. That’s my thought when I hear about people who are very vocal about their homosexual hatred. It bears true for this guy, my ex, and I’m confident it’ll bear true with our Vice President.

All I can say is, thank God this cop doesn’t work in NYC. Since jaywalking is the official mode of transportation, this cop would beat himself bloody an hour into his shift.

Remove, “According to” and, “Black People” from that headline(as well as the comma if we’re going for correct punctuation), and I think you have a much more accurate statement.

Perhaps I’m jaded by over a decade of retail work(I work in a pharmacy but probably spend as much time ringing people out as I do filling drugs), but I’ve never understood cashiers who question purchases like this. Unless you want alcohol, cigarettes or some other controlled substance, I couldn’t give a crap less

While justice needs to be done and clearly some house cleaning of law enforcement and local government as well, one does also need to consider nothing is going to change the fact that this is happening in Florida.

In his defense, he did say WEIRD feelings, not good or mixed.

The VP can’t have dinner alone with another woman. He’s constantly surrounded by men, yet is afraid to have any alcohol when he’s with anybody other than his wife. He calls his wife, “Mother”. And he’s very outspoken about gay conversion therapy...

I’m with you on using, “sir” and, “ma’am” Drew, and I’m up here in New York(Taco Bell is about as close to anything south as I get around here). That being said, some people get super offended by it, thinking I’m calling them old.

Does anybody have some holy water, or at least some salt to get rid of the demons that I’m sure live in my phone now after seeing these images?...

I think you might be jumping the gun a little about asking them to step away just because of the RT link. If the information is accurate, there’s no reason not to mention it. Yes, RT is widely accepted as Russian propaganda, but even a broken clock is right twice. I would still be personally skeptical if it was the

So, does an, “inability to emotionally function” seem like it should be a huge red flag for anybody, much less a freaking police officer?

I just saw a news flash the Justice Department is requesting more time to gather evidence for Drumpkin’s claims. Put up or shut up, jerks. There’s no half credit for turning in your work late.

“The key to growth at the school is full transparency, not selective messaging.”

It’s a bad sign when the recovering alcoholic seems like the LEAST sketchy person involved in a situation...

Ultimately, though, is anyone surprised he did this? Offended, of course. Pissed off, no freaking duh. But really; there is no moral low that this man won’t sink to. I think this has been well established by now.

Is it just me, or does the NCAA rule on things with the same sense and levels of consistency as the average game of Calvinball?

Wait, so poisoning yourself in some fashion excludes something from being a Jim Tomsla life hack? I thought that was a REQUIREMENT!