
So while I agree this is awful, did anybody else note where the deputy director said this was, “a total 360"? Pretty sure she meant 180.

Can I ask what sources you have citing that this is something the, “far left” requested? You offer no names of people, organizations, or really anything to say who exactly requested the stream be restarted. Honestly, how was this article allowed to even be published with no supporting information of the claim in the

I’m thinking he might be being sarcastic. Hard to tell in a pure text format, though.

So this school is saying that a man holding a drink, a drink their messiah converted water into, is creating an image problem...

I’d like to believe everyone, even child molesters, have some chance of redemption and reform. When I need more than one hand to tally up your victims, though, then fuck that. This guy can go straight to hell.

You guys realize you mid-spelled, “Donald Trump” in the headline, right?

A dumb, banal and self-congratulatory tweet-storm? So our President is writing sports articles now?

So would you be comfortable telling someone to take down their Christmas/Hanukkah/preferred holiday decorations because you don’t like them? It’s using the same logic if you consider their displays an eyesore as well.

Now, I’ve got a cowgirl fetish, but even I find this ridiculous...

I experienced a very mild form of stalker myself for a while. I do a lot of fiction writing, including erotica. One of the fans of my work introduced himself, and I said thanks. His immediate response was to ask for my cell phone number. Not even fifty words in, and this guy was practically screaming, “Stranger

I don’t know if anybody else has seen this, but I’ve noticed lately that the manager at my GameStop has started added GPG’s on games I buy, even when I don’t ask. I’ve never said anything, as both a former GameStop employee from way back and as a current retail worker who knows how corporate gets about arbitrary

I’m right there with you about how crappy this Sunday’s gonna be. Putting aside the fact that I’m stuck with one of the worst workers in the company as my only backup before the game, all this shit going on with Trump... do the people who are rushing through nominations without proper vetting and banning people from

Honestly, unless you get at it fresh out of the donor, it should be just dry and maybe a little stiff. You probably won’t be able to even tell what it was, and you can usually clean/discard the affected items without making direct contact.

Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. A lesson I learned before I was a teenager and most people seem to have forgotten

Now playing

I’m sorry, but I have to argue about the lack of logic behind the ear candling idea. Did anybody do or ever see the old science trick where they suck an egg through a glass cylinder or soda bottle by using heat to draw through, like so:

While I agree sitting idly by is rarely, if ever, a good idea, where you draw the line between being an activist and being obsessive about something? I didn’t vote for Trump. I showed and I believe convinced many friends and family not to. And ultimately, my state didn’t vote for him either. Now I’m getting pissed off