
You're allowed to address teachers by their first name where you come from?

I was wondering when someone was going to comment on that. >.<

The point we're trying to make is that this person is obviously unable to think rationally. It isn't as simple as just leaving and starting her own life.

I agree with what others are saying about cultural context and her emotional maturity. She was so sheltered that she had no idea how to be independent. Not that what she did was right, but this lady is emotionally damaged and probably saw no other way.

Yeah, exactly. It's not ok to be racist against minorities, but hating poor, uneducated white people is ok because "it's their own damned fault that they're like that".

Yeah I could try that but probably won’t do much good. I directed a different person to Native Appropriations and gave the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian and they still insisted that Indian mascots are not offensive. Only when I asked her how she would feel if someone dressed up as a caricature

The thing is that these people simply do not care how Indian mascots make you guys feel. They just want to have their tradition no matter its origins and they try to tell you how you should feel about it.

Someone that I know was trying to argue that you guys basically don't exist anymore and are a "dead culture" because there "aren't many left". Wouldn't listen no matter how hard I tried to tell her that if some people still exist, then a group is not dead!

Passive aggression is the worst.

I can imagine that it’s probably hard to go to school while working a full time job but lots of other adults with full time jobs make it through community college in a reasonable amount of time. It's hard to feel sorry for someone like him.

How did she manage to accumulate that much debt for an ASSOCIATE'S degree??

Sort of like when people use words like "ghetto" as code for black. I definitely hear that one a lot around here.

It’s really interesting how a lot of people on Jezebel despise racism but think classism is perfectly ok. It seems awfully hypocritical to me sometimes.

I had to read a very interesting article called The Curious Case of White Trash that described what you just said here. “White Trash” implies that white people are supposed to be at the top of the hierarchy because that's just naturally the way things are supposed to be.

I meant on the mucous membranes ;) Most people (that I know) probably don't know that either. But then again, no one has ever showed me how to use condoms or tampons either. Oh well, that's what Planned Parenthood's website is for.

I didn't know you weren't even supposed to use soap on the outside.

I’m half Latina and one of my relatives always tells me how lucky I am to have an Anglicized name instead of a Spanish one for this reason. :(

There's honestly no point in arguing with people like that. They're going to believe what they want to believe no matter how much evidence you give them.

Most of the kids at my school come from well off families. The immaturity and the stuff that comes out of their mouths never ceases to shock me.

It seems like rich people suck no matter where they're from.