

Not sure if this is the case in Vietnam but I've heard that in some cultures men are kind of expected to cheat because of the whole "boys will be boys" attitude that some people still have. It really sucks that he did that to you and her.

What a douche.

How did you find out? And how did he react when you confronted him?

Do you mean that as a teenager you were criticized for being American? I had a similar experience in Spain where two people wanted to criticize my every move for being different. Literally, they criticized the way I held my feet when I sat. :P lol

Did the men in East Asia actually treat you poorly or were you just ignored? Just out of curiosity.

Oh my God. :( I'm so sorry that happened to her but I'm glad she was assertive enough to tell him to knock it off. I probably would have just sat there not knowing what to do.

Wow. I might have fallen for this. I'll be extra careful to make sure that it is the right car next time I use uber.

I recently became pretty close to a young Muslim man and he is honestly one of the nicest people I know. He is a refugee and knowing him helps me to look at other refugees from a more personal standpoint.

I am very privileged. My parents support me 100% at age 22 while I'm in college, and I go to a university that has a LOT of resources to take advantage of like healthcare and mental health services. I made a friend recently who can't afford to access mental health care for her anxiety and since she isn't a student

WOW. I am so sorry your grandma wasn't able to access the help she needed at such a vulnerable time.

I think that was supposed to be sarcasm. I hope at least.

That's so aggravating when some women are like that. They don't realize that those men don't respect them at all.


I'm always kind of shocked at how classist people on here can be towards rural areas and the South in general. Some of them act like there are no problems in the North at all and have no problem making fun of people for being poor and uneducated.

I'm glad you were one of the women who knew better. :)

There's a difference between being more comfortable with people who are like you and actively excluding others who are different from your group.

What was your experience with racism at your school? I go to a big state school too. I wouldn't say racism is really open around here but I definitely hear people saying rude things about black students like describing them as "ghetto" or "scary".

Nobody wants to believe that racism exists in their own community.

It's hilarious to hear white people from the Chicago suburbs around here make racist comments about black people and then turn around and call the South backward and racist.