
Related: when I was in 5th grade a boy in my class kept grabbing my boobs (I was an early -developer). I was too embarrassed to tell anyone. Finally, one day I punched him in the stomach and knocked him down. The teacher turned to me and said, “good for you” - and I realized she had known what was going on the entire

My daughter faced something less horrible but still bad in 8th grade. A boy touched her breasts and vagina in class and was saying some really inappropriate things. It had been going on for months and that was her last straw. She punched him, breaking his glasses and knocking out a few teeth.

The “boys will be boys” attitude and protection of athletes/star students plaguing our colleges? It has its root here. Couple that with the stats on the gender disparity between teachers and admin, local pressure, and general lack of resources (physical and monetary) in our school systems and you have an environment

I have a big ol’ Dutch head. Short hair, or anything close to the scalp, is just going to make me look like a fucking pumpkin.

Red state resident, here. I teach at a hilariously liberal university. We are a blue pocket and the enemy has us surrounded; send help.

Jesus christ. I just don’t go in for this kind of shit on here, sorry. Argue with someone else.

You seriously must be trolling. Armchair psychologist? Look in the mirror, friend, we are the same.

She knew her actions had consequences and they were illegal, hence the fear of getting caught, any mental illness defense is nil and void. Fuck this bitch. And if you read this article, fuck you for thinking someone encouraging a kid to commit suicide is just simply “a flawed human being”

Isn’t “flawed human being” just the politically correct way of saying “fucking asshole?”

I’m as liberal as they come...but chick was practicing her responses beforehand. That shows forethought that she knew what she was doing was wrong.

I agree that mental health can excuse an individual, but I don’t think that’s always the case. As AllRushIsViolence said below, she knows right and wrong, which maybe points to the kind of mental illness that is both aware and harmful to others. In any case, I think the texts and stuff definitely show this person was

She demonstrated knowledge that what she was doing was wrong, would cause his family to hate her and for the police to come after her. Even in the presence of serious psychological issues which I would argue are not evident here, this ability to discern right from wrong prevents her from using the insanity defense.

She’s a fucking asshole. I’m sorry for her own mental health, but that doesn’t excuse all the horrible things she did.

“He sent the message at 6:25 p.m., then told his mother he was leaving the house to visit a friend and not to expect him home for dinner. He made a short drive to a remote corner of the Fairhaven Kmart parking lot. At 6:28 p.m., he called Carter and talked to her for 43 minutes. At 7:12, she called him. The call

It always startles me how much people smoke when I go overseas. It’s not like I don’t notice it here in the US, but it’s so much more prevalent in Europe and Asia.

Seriously, some of the things I hear students saying about their professors are absolutely ridiculous. I know a girl who claimed that she failed chemistry because it was really a “guy’s subject” and she would have learned it better from a man. Wait, WHAT???

Thank you! I’ll be sure to include your feedback in my employment file!

I don’t give them graded assignments as a group, I would never ever ever do that! But for in-class discussion I will sometimes break them up into groups. It works for some people who get nervous about speaking in front of a class of 45-60 people, but don’t mind speaking to 2-4. It helps me be fair to the shy kids but

Reason 1 million why I don’t read my own student evaluations and never will.* And why the only person in my department who has ever suggested basing the merit-based pay component of our salary on teaching evaluations was male.** I don’t need to read a teaching evaluation to know that they think I’m a bitch because I

@girlinthegarden: My guess for the procedure: episiotomy. This is a cut made through the mother's perineum (the flesh between the vagina and anus), ostensibly to make more room and help the baby get out faster. These cuts require stitching and must be tended and cared for like any other incision. The cut itches as it