
I guess he felt like he was doing the polite thing by asking. I used to dress like a tomboy when I was younger although I have always identified as female and I had a man at a bowling alley ask me "And you're a boy or a girl?" -_- I was pretty offended. But I guess most people would probably say I deserved it for

I know a person who is very similar to that. Not a bad person, but doesn't always realize that some of the things she says sound pretty rude.

Sounds like a person who doesn't have social skills. I'm sure she's really popular with the other people who work there.

That's really terrible to shame kids for stuff like that :( It really stays with them for the rest of their lives.

It seems like the one thing that may be rooted in evolution is facial symmetry. But things like thinness, body shape, etc. all vary from culture to culture. MRA's are full of crap when they state that only thin, hourglass shaped women should be considered attractive due to "biology".

Interesting that monobrows were accepted and even considered beautiful in Persia. :) Here having a monobrow would be totally taboo and a woman would have to have some serious confidence to rock it.

When my dad was in high school in the 70's, no shorts were allowed for either sex and according to my aunt the girls were encouraged to wear skirts or dresses. So boys and girls who didn't want to wear dresses were stuck wearing jeans year round even when it was hot outside. When I started going to school, the dress

Did your mom find out about it when it was happening?

Holy shit! I am so, so sorry that happened to you. :(

I know someone with dyscalculia. It's very sad because this person has become very discouraged with school in general because of it. It doesn't really help that it seems like not much is known about dyscalculia either. Every therapist I've talked to about it always has to ask me what it is.

Most reasonable women are not going to get angry with you for doing something like holding a door or offering to help with her luggage if she's struggling. I always thank people profusely if they do something kind for me.

I'm pretty tiny and I have almost no upper body strength. Sometimes all I need is my carry on bag so I have to stuff everything in there. It's expensive to check a bag so I'm not going to if I don't need to. If someone can't/doesn't want to help me I'd be willing to try to step aside to let them through.

People usually help me if they see me struggling because they don't get to sit down until I'm out of their way.

Way to completely misrepresent the conversation. My point is that yes, sometimes people have understandable reasons for refusing to consider adoption. Others reject the idea for cultural reasons that can and should be criticized.

I'm not necessarily criticizing every single person in his group. Just an idea that tends to be pervasive throughout the group. It's possible to criticize ideas without hating people as individuals.

NonServiam has just as much of a right to express his/her opinion on the flag as you do. Freedom of speech is for everyone and even if you don't care about our opinions we can and will still express them.

His culture is the latter. Why is it not ok for Westerners to feel that they are above adoption but perfectly fine for an unknown, non-western culture to stigmatize it?

I can understand being sad if you can't have a biological child. But the fact that some people won't even consider adoption is also pretty bad. Also like I mentioned, in my ex's culture people who are adopted actually face a huge stigma and supposedly have trouble finding jobs and stuff because they're considered

I actually dated a guy who comes from a culture where adoption is very rare. Having a biological child is very important to them and most won't consider adoption if they're infertile. I have a friend who is adopted and he asked what she calls her adoptive mother, because obviously she can't call her "mom". I find it

It's really important that we as feminists accept the choices that women make as long as they aren't destructive.