Hm, I guess if the kids are happy and are being taken care of there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is ambitious when it comes to education and careers.
Hm, I guess if the kids are happy and are being taken care of there's nothing wrong with that. Not everyone is ambitious when it comes to education and careers.
Everyone that I know pronounces it like eye-ran :o
You are the coolest!
I feel like practically every group makes fun of itself in a tongue in cheek way. My dad has a friend who was born and raised in Mexico who makes jokes about Mexicans cramming too many people into one house or car or whatever. We all know that he isn't serious because what kind of crazy person actually hates their…
My family is Puerto Rican and I laugh about "Puerto Rican drivers" :o Does that make me a bad person?
Pizza bigotry!!!
He's also pretty openly classist.
Props to your dad.
I'm so sorry. :(
I would be the devil to those people then, because I look white but am actually half Latina ;)
Why are mixed people worse than people who are full non-white in her mind?
I'm half Hispanic, half white. Most people don't guess that I'm Latina by looking at me and me and my mom have gotten some strange looks and comments from others. Why can't people just mind their own business?
I don't understand some people. I dated a guy who comes from a culture where adopted people are discriminated against terribly and he asked me if my friend who was adopted from Vietnam calls her adoptive mother "mom" and I asked "What else would she call her?"
People are so, so judgmental of mothers. Don't worry about what she said to you, you weren't doing anything wrong and your kids weren't in any danger. People need to mind their own business unless they actually see someone doing something that puts their kids in danger.
Thanks for the advice! No one has ever told me any of that before. I go to a huge university though where you have to know where to seek advice.
Oh shit. So if I ask the grad student who is leading a research project that I'll be helping with to write me a letter for grad school later it'll be worthless?
One girl from Naperville described the people there as "Rich, white snobs" and said you wouldn't believe the racist things that come out of the people's mouths at the country club there. I was actually pretty surprised to learn that most of the active racist groups like the KKK are in the suburbs instead of in my area…
They would scream "RACIST" and complain that they're not allowed to blackface without people complaining.
Was it wrong for my mom to have my ears pierced when I was six? She is from a Latin American country where having an infant's ears pierced is traditional. My dad didn't let her do it then so when I was six she took me to get it done.
Maybe it's just because it's normal in my mom's culture but I don't see anything wrong with piercing a baby's ears. :o