
What the fuck is a Pewdiepie?

Equality would be side by side, neither one in front or behind. Her entire reasoning, and this article is utter bullshit. Not that it really matters, the Tumblrinas are gunna look for problems that don’t exist until the end of time.

If little icons on websites makes the degenerates feel all warm and fuzzy, whatever.

And that’s how PBR is made.

“Facebook Really Would Like You to Use Messenger” - Fixed it for you.

Or I could just use IHeart Radio.

We’d be saving some cash on the injections, I don’t see any reason not to give the guys an hourly bump.

Australia 2.0

Oh fuck these people, just shoot em and be done with it.

What does FaceBooks naming policy have to do with you being trans? Is this an article about one of the 10 billion stupid things FaceBook does? Or another Tumblrina “LOOK AT ME I’M A SNOWFLAKE” type deal?

I have never seen as many Confederate flags hanging from homes in the 10 years I’ve lived in Georgia than I have the last 72 hours.

Pretty sure he’s just gassy.

Not really shocking, Apple users are generally a lot of overly sensitive art majors so I can’t assume the company is much more than that. least you can still download games about Nazi zombies though.

...then don’t use it.

Step One: Purchase computer.

Step Two: Format computer.

Step Three: Reinstall clean copy of Windows.

Step Four: Learn how to salsa dance and impress ze lady folk.

Good God, you neck beards will bitch about anything.

Everyone is going to get along now, I’m sure of it.

Looks like giant spider legs about to attack the boat.

So basically some guy said something and the Tumblrina Social Terrorists did what they do best. Bitch about it until the right people buckled and a guy got fired. Gotcha. Must be Tuesday.

So basically it’s a game for your average Reddit/4Chan neck beard.

Yeah I don’t really care any more ya’ll can give your passwords away and have them compromised as a result it really doesn’t matter to me kiddo.