
Same for me. I waited on SSD until they were under my threshold of pain for something usefully sized. I have a 180 Gb or something like that in my desktop now that was under $200. The next step up was like $250-300, which it over my threshold. In a few years they’ll probably be $100 for a 500 Gb or something like

Just built a new system, using mid-line components and an SSD. With Win 7, I go from hitting the power switch to a logon prompt in 17 seconds.


Brace yourself for this: they also procreate.

I’m sorry.

I do appreciate music and it’s many, many facets and I can appreciate what has been done here, but I am just a musical purist. I like my music to flow and to have tonal continuity to it. When my ears are subjected to sudden and drastic tones changes, as this, it burns like fingernails across a chalkboard.

He sounds best right before you click the play button.

I have a copy of your SF86 right here. And you are a disgusting, disgusting individual. You should be ashamed. I won’t say WHAT you should be ashamed of, but I think you know. Disgusting!

Agreed, neither of these icons bothers me however if I view them with the glasses that states the first one was sexist I am required to then view the second one as sexist.

Yep, first thing I thought of. OMG GIANT FUCKING UNDERWATER SPIDER!!!!

With how angry they seem all the time, you’d figure they would still be . . . on edge.

I was more shocked that there was a 3G infrastructure to turn off.

They have been trying absurdly hard to attract tourists. As long as you play by the rules, they treat you like royalty... or send you to a forced labor camp.

How long have you been holding that one in, just waiting for anything remotely related in order to post it?

How about the fact that the Onan Corporation (a rather large power generation business) was bought out in 1986 by - wait for it - the Cummins corporation.

That is so dead-on. Like sci-fi fans accepting a green skinned, 3 eyed alien with a British accent but whining about a black stormtrooper.

Really?! A disaster movie starring the Rock isn’t logical or scientifically accurate? Thank goodness you are here to let us know.

Yes! And that is true of men's profiles who say "no drama" as well as roommate ads that say "no drama." Basically the only people seeing "drama" are the ones talking about it.

Also be wary of anyone who says “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve my best.”

She will be a barista in 3 months. I hope Starbucks has an equipment room to store her mattress!

I guess elderly people always gotta tell everyone how things were way better in the past.