
Yes yes yes cops are people blah blah pedantic neck beards.

The stats are working both ways, proving that some cops are assholes, and some people are assholes. Regardless of WHO the asshole is, the cameras are helping.

...people actually use that program?

Nice try, Skynet.

I really wish that we as a planet could unhook from FaceBook entirely.

Yeah I corrected myself below already.

Can it natively run Visual Studio and IIS?

Sorry, hadn’t had coffee yet. Gaming Rig = HDD — Servers/Dev Rigs = SSD

Eh, not really for me, I never really cared that much. I need ram, lots and lots of ram. Having 10 copies of Visual Studio open at a time just loooooves eating ram.

Not a clue, and good lord I haven’t seen SETI@Home used om conversation since I was on IRC in my teens lol.

Google says the only thing that affects SETI@Home on Windows 10 is the S@H screen saver... which back in the day I killed that portion of S@H because it was just terrible for memory leaks.

As I’ve always said, just because I CAN afford something, doesn’t mean I NEED to afford it, lol.

Just got myself an Acer laptop with an SSD OS drive. Running Windows 10 from power to desktop - 9 seconds.

I have to get my coffee before sitting down now. #FirstWorldProblems

Depends on the price, if I can’t justify the cost I don’t buy. Hell my gaming rig is still on SATA. ( Servers and Coding rigs on SSD, of course )

Which means my company is going to replace all of the SSDs with these... which means I get a bunch of SSDs.

LMAO... you watched it?

Been using, gaming, and writing software on Windows 10 for months. Solid OS.

....someone wanna tell me what billy goat grease is?

While I hate the internet SJW machine.... this isn’t “hunting”, and this dip shit deserves every bit of whats happening to his business and reputation.

His family on the other hand will probably be the most affected... no more private school for Billy.

This shouldn’t be shocking.

What the fuck is a chief keef?