That there be the look of someone that just got Blue Shelled.
That there be the look of someone that just got Blue Shelled.
Oh God... it’s so wrinkly...
You must be fun at parties.
I can’t believe someone actually fell for that. Kudos.
....this kid is gunna be fuuuuucked up.
I’m guessing it’s because I don’t watch sportsies I have no idea who this person is... other than some random blond that looks like every other random blond that gets “white girl wasted” at “the club” then loses her Uggs and “literally can’t even”.
Worked well enough for the Vikings.
I have no idea who he is, nor have I ever heard of the show... but the dude looks like he has a few bodies in his basement.
Well, we already established that your plans are nothing like mine. Hence the whole you wasting money on a piece of paper and being a web developer with a french fry problem.
You're still on the fries kick eh? You know those things are bad for ya, guessing that explains your weight problem though. :( Did have a good weekend making little websites for your Bingo club old man?
Yeeeeah, only reason a person would even bring up Ruby is if they were a PHP kinda guy. You Web Designers are adorable with your little scripting language wars.
Yeah... Web Designer. LOL... figures.
I re-read my comment a few times... never saw Ruby in that list... guessing literacy isn't your thing either eh? Or are the bifocals giving out on ya?
"Retraining Software Engineers straight out of college is nightmarish" - Me. There's your citation skipper.... I do agree though, C and C++ have become a bit outdated... and enjoy C# as much as any dude, so do my guys... but in the end we just keep going back to our childish roots. Guess we will just have to suffer…
Oooh more graphs! Let me print them right out and put them in the lobby. I get it, you're trying to defend your little scrap of paper... which when you got it I bet it meant something. Like I said old timer, times-er-changin. Well... technically they changed about 15 years ago but you get the point.
Though good…
Yaaay a graph from a news source from 2011! :D Sorry old timer, out here in the real world it's a little different though. I know it am skerry for your generation to think that unless you're going to be a doctor or nuclear engineer college isn't really necessary anymore, but you'll get there one day.
The people I…
Guess I should tell my team I'm going to start paying them less because some rando on the internet thinks the only way the world works is in his narrow scope of.. err... "reality". Next you're going to tell me there is no way people would hire a person with visible tattoos.
...did you know women can vote now too?