Ooooh you're one of those people that thinks college is required to make over six figures or "ye be damned to ze fast food".
My grandma was the same way, dear old lady... completely delusional, but sweet non the less.
Ooooh you're one of those people that thinks college is required to make over six figures or "ye be damned to ze fast food".
My grandma was the same way, dear old lady... completely delusional, but sweet non the less.
Well, depending on where you want to go with your life college isn't required for a career.
Same way my wife and I have done it. Don't have kids.
Next can they ban the fatties that refuse to keep their clothes on? No one wants to see your greasy flap jacks going wild in the wind.
The torn flesh of my enemies draped upon my naked body like a poncho from hell.
...also my Blade Runner umbrella is pretty cool.
The torn flesh of my enemies draped upon my naked body like a poncho from hell.
...also my Blade Runner umbrella is…
Is this one of those runny ball guys?
I have no idea who this person is.
Allow me to correct the article:
Motordouche was fleeing from cop... like they do.
Cop attempted to barricade Motordouche... like they do.
Motordouche ignored the cop... like they do.
Cop decided to not slam on the gas and crush Motordouche.
Motordouche escapes to continue being Motordouche... unfortunately.
Cop goes about…
People actually watch this shit?
LOL... "Trigger warning". Tumblr is leaking again.
By hitting them.
How.... very pathetic.
Not really that far fetched for the first one. Had a smoked pork chop a bit back, it did in fact taste like ham... Kinda a... bacon... ham... chop... which was confusing. Delicious though.
I was meh about it before. I am meh about it now.
Not really shocking coming from a company of hippies and hipsters.
Considering that the Measles ( once coughed or sneezed ) can live up to two hours on a surface, for a two hour period someones personal choice can make you a carrier that could effect someone around you that is for one reason or another not a candidate for vaccination.
That is not "personal choice", that is biological…
Starting off an article with "Bible Thumpers" - #JustJezebelThings
How drunk / fat do you have to be to NOT wake up from a tattoo?
I think we can all agree there is threeve days in a fort week.