
I was wondering how long it was going to take the Tumblrinas to pick up on this.

This will stop those criminals from breaking the law, I’m sure of it.

The day Oliver joined Tumblr.

Not really shocking... the brand loyalty of their culture puts even American brand loyalty to shame.

Wanna know what is ever BETTER encryption? Not giving my passwords to a third party. :D

Enjoy that high horse kiddo. :)

You drink, lift weights, gamble, and have a thing for cross fit chicks. Believe me, I know it’s not your thing. We are so far apart of related activity wise you could fit a galaxy between us... but trying to say this guys hobby is impractical as compared to yours is well... very... douchebaggy. Which is fine if you’re

Not really a matter of savings vs hourly wages. It’s a hobby. I’m certainly not expending my $50/hr week day wages for my hobby of black smithing on weekends. Just something fun to do while drinking.... they make great gifts too.

Apple has their own streaming service now?

It’s not very expensive when you’re using old table saw blades that are no longer useful it’s fairly fun. Same for re-purposing rail road spikes into knives and whatnot.

Someone would need your password and phone to hack LastPass? Wait... do you OWN LastPass?! No wonder you’re here wanting people to give you their passwords.

I don’t personally know anyone they’ve “tricked”... then again I also don’t hang around morons.

I agree, giving your passwords to a third party to manage your security is a great idea. Nothing bad could ever happen. :D

I need to know the best way to give my passwords to a third party so they can properly be leaked out to the public. Is LastPass the only service I should give me sensitive information to? Or is there a better means of giving out my passwords to the public?

Teach me your master hax0rific ways of giving my passwords to a third party password storage site Andrew... I have a longing for all of my shit to be stolen!

Rotation of a few.

Have at it oh master 31337 hax0r. Don’t forget your gay fox mask. :D

Hey, if having 360 passwords makes you feel secure, good on ya. Whatever helps I suppose.

Well do. :D Though, this is a burner account... soooo.... I don’t think I’ll need to worry about it too much, eh kiddo?

Suppose if you have a need for a bazillion passwords, not sure why you’d need that either.