
Been using the same 4 passwords for 25 years. Not a single problem.

I guess I’m just doing it wrong after 25 years of not having an account hijacked. I’ll try harder to allow others to hold my sensitive information in the future. :(

That was the day the last fuck I gave flew far far away.

Still don’t understand why people use password managers.

Brain just skipped a step and mixed up Aqua with Astro.

“Most people”

That’s like actively allowing a sweaty, overweight clown to fuck you until you like it.

...which if you’re into that kinda thing, God speed.

Slayer, always listen to Slayer.

People are still babbling about this?

The shocking part of this article is the concept that people actually intentionally visit North Korea.

It won’t.


Holy shit people still say “owned”? Last time I heard that was on Dal.Net in #2600.


That’s fine, they can call me, and I’ll work through their phone system till I get a human and harass the hell out of them after a few glasses of Whiskey.


People asking you to give up your seat for their irritating fuck trophies.

Soooo glad I bought outside of an HOA. Last thing I need is a group of pretentious fuck offs that have no control over anything that matters playing neighborhood nanny because my grass is a half an inch too tall.

...that is just awesome.

Eh kinda the nail in the coffin for me anyways. Haven’t fired up netflix in ages... not even sure why I still pay for it.