
Today I learned the term “onanism”.

This should piss off the Tumblrinas nice and good.

Didn’t bother watching the video... but Jesus that kid has a punchable face.

Can’t tell if horrible attempt at trolling or willful ignorance.

^Found the neck beard.^

Bingo. Usually means they’re bat shit crazy.

Anyone that is going to this movie expecting any amount of logical or scientific accuracy needs to trim their neck beard and reevaluate their life choices.

Only thing that I learned from online dating is that if a woman says she hates drama.... she’s a big ole ball of drama.

Now with 20% more Superfish!

I’m more alarm with his awkward “I’m going to fist you in the bum” facial expression.

Guess not. Hard to tell one random ass string of characters from another before at least 2 cups of caffeine.

Corruption in sports balls? Who’d have thought.

I crave the same thing on the ground as I do in the air... Vodka.

Isn’t this the same exact string that was crashing Chrome on mac a few months ago?

Good ole Timmy The Weather Tard.

Sweet merciful fuck that is a long domain name.

What company is it that you work for?

I’ll just stick with my wallet and three different cards for 0$ a year. While $100/yr is a drop in the bucket, I’d rather spend it on Whiskey.

Still don’t understand why everyone clings to what this person does on a daily basis.

So Jezebel has gone straight from man hating Tumblrina garbage to drug smuggling....that is one hell of a sharp turn.