
Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke. Please, TIME, give him Person of the Year and drive the stupid fucking President into a ragestroke.

Oh, sure, now he stands

Western New York is basically Southern Ontario. We already love hockey, Tim Hortons, and snow.

Cool, Russia’s been banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics.

Shit, well, now who is Trump going to root for in the Olympics?

Their scheme went so far it doped the White House.

So, if an OAR wins gold, do they have a non-musical medal ceremony? A cappela if you will? Or can the orchestra play an OAR song of the OAR’s choosing?

Steel columns meant to come down clearly in place. 

Jesus, McAdoo’s really gone off the deep end.

I wish every Masshole who treats Bob Fucking Kraft as if he were a saint; the guy who tried to move the team to fucking Hartford, the guy who was one of the first to legitimize Trump, the guy who more than anyone is why Goodell is commissioner, would line up and take turns eating my ass. Brady uses PEDs btw.

That’s cold-blooded.

Always fucking lizard truthers.

Is that gonna be before or after David Ortiz “gets to the bottom of” his failed PED test?

coach Steve Lavin found himself with only seven scholarship players available

Here, hold my gun. It’s been used to kill four people.

By way of comparison, NBC only let one employee go today.

I’ve reread this three times trying to figure out if you think Geno Smith went to Western Michigan. You don’t say it, but then what is the relevance of Western Michigan to your buddy’s opinion otherwise? Why not say “My good friend has great dental hygiene and has been saying FOR YEARS...”? Baffling.

This is the equivalent of trading in a 16 year old Toyota pick-up truck for a previously returned Power Wheels Jeep from Toys R Us.

You can’t spell “bench your elite quarterback” without Eli.

I can’t find video of it but if you owned Smash Brothers for the n64, selected computer control for four jigglypuffs at the lowest ability setting, you ended up with a match in which it is plausible that our president is at the controls.... Jigglypuffs walking off platforms, not knowing how to get on the platform and