
First place gets two meals per week for 50 years.

Linking to (or acknowledging the existence of) D**dspin is what the kids call "problematic."

That begs the question: approximately how many peanut butter cups are present in a single slice of the pie?

Considering I’ve disagreed with the rankings each week, it’s no wonder this final ranking is garbage.

It took me years to realize it, but Old Country Buffet was never about the food.

Disagree with Starburst being number one on this list.  The problem is that if they get too warm, it’s like having a piece of chewed gum stuck in a piece of paper.  Some of it will get stuck in the wrapper and invariably some of the paper will rip and you’ll be chewing it with whatever candy you were able to extract.

I’m LMFAO at Taco Bell in Mexico and Dominos in Italy.

Thanks, Republicans; you’ve become so desperate for power that you now cater to the absolute worst scum of America, people who threaten the poor employees whose lives were already at risk just to serve your idiotic asses. You empower hatemongers and trash people, you elevate those incompetents to the White House

Needs to go to Philly - Name him Gritty.

That’s great to hear! I hope the steaks land in the delivery slot with a most satisfying thunk.

Stelio! Stelio Kontos! Stelio!

I’m still waiting for a Wheels & The Legman or a Tales Of Ricky Spanish spinoff series.

I’m actually very excited about this. I hate waiting in line, unloading my cart, then having some one bag the groceries in a less than ideal way. If I can bag as I go, and get out with waiting in line I’ll be the first one to visit this store if it comes to my area. 

You missed a chance to say “Stick to sprouts!”

Thanks for reading!

Can I just thank you for what might be the funniest sentence I’ve read in a long, long time?

Listen, a Hot Pockets breakfast gets the job done, and if you’re eating breakfast Hot Pockets, that’s really all you’re hoping for, isn’t it? You don’t need to be having some sort of revelatory, transcendent experience like you’d hope for in a brunch Hot Pocket. All you want is to quickly eat something familiar

As far as I’m concerned, Scrubs ended in Season 8 with that lovely Book of Love montage.

All of that with “Foot Lager” in the background makes this show remarkable.

That kid, he had those mannerisms and tone down COLD.