
Got halfway through the article then remembered this:

I get more of a Jason Mendoza vibe from Gronk:

There were 3 shooters in the JFK shooting: Oswald, the grassy knoll, and a squirrel in a tree on Dealey Plaza.

I smile a little every time I see the vanity card at the end of a Good Place episode:

Anyone who supports Pete Rose and also invokes the character clause is kindly invited to fuck right off. I have no dog in this fight, but I super-despise this kind of intellectual disconnect.

Joe Morgan is probably patient zero for exactly when young people (now old-ish) stopped caring about MLB.

From the best Simpsons episode ever.

God, I haven’t seen such an obvious excuse to go out of one’s way to casual note one’s Ivy League heritage since I was at Yale.

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.


a picture of Drew’s grilling apron

“Oh, Tyrod. The toll road of denial is a long and dangerous one. The price, your soul. Oh, by the way, you have until five to clear out your locker. I’m starting Sunday.”


I just wanted to say, fuck you, for calling pizza, za.

Had it occurred in Central Park, he would have asked for their swift execution

Hey Aubrey, if the earth is only 6,000 years old, then how do you explain the existence of Jamie Moyer?

Tom Brady feeds people boogers full of anti-inflammatories and the anti-inflammatories make people healthier even though they have to eat boogers and everyone on the Patriots won’t eat a tomato but they will eat a whole handful of boogers Tom Brady gives them because he’s a star and they’re not and you have to do what

What a crushing experience, and very powerful for them to share it publicly with all of the families who suffer. I have to say, folks who work in a NICU, I can’t imagine how they do it. A good day at work is magical. A bad day at work must be unbearable.