I wish. My sense of smell is almost too strong, and I can't take bad smells. I seriously had to hold my breath waiting for a man to order at work last night. He was "natural" in that way someone is when they're wearing a Grateful Dead t-shirt and smell like hoagies. Basically, my sense of smell is a member of the…
Yasmin made me cry when my breakfast was late one time. Like, at a diner, I didn't want everyone else to have to wait for me, so I was balling. Hormones are no joke, son.
Good for you for taking back the good stuff in your life, especially without a lot of support from your family. As the daughter of an alcoholic, prescription-drug abuser, I stand with you and hope that one day you, and hell, all of us, can get to a place where what our parents have done no longer works to harm us, but…
Those prescription buggers are a son of a bitch, I hope it doesn't cause additional problems for him.
I'm so glad that your sister is doing better. I hope one day, all of us children, siblings and other assorted loved ones of addicts can see Intervention, or something like it, and breathe easy. :)
Thanks, and I hope your brother gets the right help, sees the light and gets healthy before it's way too late.
My dad is addicted to his prescription medication. He lies to his doctor and has a doctor who's content to believe his bullshit lies and write him the scrip. The only thing he's ever taken away from him is Ambien, after it landed him in the hospital. Twice. In less than a week. Because my dad went and found where my…
The cute, edgy girl who works at the consignment store I take my old, ill-fitting, can't believe I bought that clothes must wear a collared shirt to school at all times. If she wears a slightly sheer collared shirt, another collared shirt must be under it. I know because she about died over a peachy, lace, peter pan…