It works on so many levels, right?
It works on so many levels, right?
Sure, but are these man shoes? Mens shoes rarely change style, and you can get away with having a few lovely pairs. Womens shoes change from season to season, heels get higher, heels get lower, platforms are in platforms are out. I would shell out a lot for say, a pair of really gorgeous, mid-heeled black pumps,…
One time, I asked her to find Ag Hall in Allentown, she asked if I would like her to find "alcohol in Allentown", sometimes she gets it so right.
I have a friend whose husband, I actually generally like him, mentioned that he expected everyone to give a gift of the cost of the plate plus $50. My response was that I wouldn't even know what the cost of the plate was if he hadn't so helpfully told me, that no one would. I asked him if he took time to look that up…
I hate to be editorially crazy this early in the morning, but I'm willing to take one for the team:
None of this was in any way the fault in any of these women. This is not "just how things are" and we don't have to accept it, and neither should you. If you see something, say something, you know? I'm saying this because I know that most guys are good and decent, and know when it looks like someone is probably in…
As long as you're just entering your height and weight into an online calculator, it is statistically invalid for most people. If you've had it probably done, in a water tank and whatnot, then your BMI is accurate. I'm not tiny, and I certainly have a few pounds that could go, but not what people look at as obese, and…
Here's why this is a good thing to me, regardless of the cause of your obesity, whether it be hormonal, mental, emotional, genetic, physical or whatever, most people need help to effect real change. Expensive, medical and/or psychological help. While some insurance programs may offer limited counseling, gym stipends,…
Possibly funded by this guy. If you can't tell, that's my fist, jammed into his chest, pushing him away from me, and a sarcastic happy face. He also grabbed my face to "sing to me". Of course the closest place we could dance was a douche bar. The face grabbing was when my friends and I finally decided to leave.
Um, Armie, you could respect me and pull my hair. Respect me enough to do things I like, you know?
One of her progeny also escaped and lived in the stove, eating from the cat food dish for weeks until the smell made my parents investigate. I couldn't really make this shit up if I tried. And, I do know an artist or 10 who might be able to draw some endearing, but slightly gross hamsters. My ex-work husband did do a…
We can't stop, until, like, 11 because we really have a lot to do tomorrow. Where did you get this wine again?
I can't get this Ra Ra Riot song out of my head, although you are correct.
I've always felt that way about "Party in the USA", it always sounded more like "Chillin' in the USA" to me. Personally, I've always been a big fan of "See You Again".
That and one of the really, really nice Dysons, right? What else are bridesmaids for?
I know more than one couple who married because of health insurance. And, my aunt's dad and step-mom married after being together for 10 years because he was diagnosed with stage-4 lung cancer. Not that his kids wouldn't trust her, they just wanted her to legally be able to make end-of-life decisions for him if she…
Understandable. And I've always sort of been of the opinion that the contractual aspect of it wasn't terribly important, being that it's probably the most often violated contract on the planet. I would however like to have a party at which I and whoever I may end up with, which will probably be my cat, stand up in…
I actually don't mind it, and I'm a weird name hater from way back, having grown up with a slightly weird name. I would have only been shocked by Katherine or Kelly or something else way normal, oooh or not spelled with a K at all.