
I'm also excited for them. So excited, I think I need a popcorn eating gif, for my life.

My retired SEAL cousin is doing some outward bound, back-to-nature camping bullshit this week. I've generally liked his opinion on military things (he was outspoken in his support of repealing DADT), and I'd really like to know what his thoughts are on this.

They are both promoting movies though, right? She's in Fast 6, so that's probably why. Please let it by why, I like that he's with her for some reason. I mean if I can't have him...

Exactly, I was agreeing, and attempting to add another layer to the Charlie Sheen is crappy cake.

I know, right?

Even though I just got unceremoniously dumped by my Air Force guy, my second job at a bar/restaurant just off of a military training base has certainly not soured me on the military men. There's a certain way they say yes ma'am that can make a girl go all gooey on the inside.

Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez, Emilio kept the family name, Carlos changed his to Charlie Sheen to ride pop's coattails. Just one more reason Emilio is the far superior brother.

Would you like one with extra handsomeness and charm?

My hamster did not. She was however pregnant when we bought her and spawned a legion of hamster babies, each generation more genetically mutated than the next, until my mom released them in the woods behind our house while I was away at dance camp! So who knows what the fuck Hamster Day O'Connor's progeny are up to,

I had a hamster named Sandra Day O'Connor. High five!

Somehow, Selleck makes mom jeans look good.

A third pun, The Boy from Awwwz?

Pretty sure what I find attractive was helped along by this being on the back of the nursery/nap room door at my babysitter's house when I was a kid.

I like the hair on a man. When I was a kid I was all like, ew, gross, chest hair. The older I get, the more I enjoy chest hair and beards. I assume some day I'll see a guy with a hairy back and be all, "Get me some of that!"

We had no quotes! No quotes! It probably saved me from having a bad movie quote, or at very, very best a Gatsby and/or Maya Angelou quote up in there. We had activities and Class Wills, which were essentially just a long list of inside jokes, half of which I wouldn't even get today. Because I am an old who is, shit, I

Small town girl here, they will totally allow it. My Spanish teacher's son was president of the Spanish National Honor Society and used to steal and sell all of the tests. My gym teachers' (married to each other, natch) kids were stand-out athletes. My guidance counselor's daughter was the biggest mess on the planet.

Corey Matthews is the best best friend ever, that is all.

One of the most admirable things I've ever seen was while I was working at a small, family restaurant (okay, truck stop). It wasn't a terribly busy shift, and one of the owners was kind of hanging around the floor when seemingly out of no where, a guy hauled off and back-handed his kid. The owner walked right up to

Thanks! And I totally bought it during the cabin sale, a time in which I went slightly bananas and bought a ton of things. A lot of which did not fit and I've been trying to slowly give away. Boots for my mom's birthday, sure! Oh, hey friend, you need a dress for a wedding try one of these! That's one problem with

I'm 97% sure that Lindsey Wixom shot her gangster boyfriend moments before walking onto this red carpet. It's costume-y, but it's so divine. Also the shape of her lips is incredible.