
I have no real opinion on the ad, it's pretty tame in my opinion. It also kind of makes me wonder if the One Million Moms missed the point of the "I'm here to snake the drain/flush the pipes." Liquid Plumber commercial.

That would be an amazing!

Elaine Stritch, I feel you about moving home and hating it, but not missing the city you lived in, which is why I'm moving somewhere else entirely. New adventures and all.

Blow drying. When mine was that short, I'd put my volumizing product in it, um it's purple with biotin and something, then I'd blow dry the front all straight down until it was almost dry, then dry it over to the side I wanted it to go to - the right on me. After some training your hair wants to go that way and won't

Okay, okay, so he's a less-charismatic hybrid of Chris Hemsworth and Jared Padalecki, but pretty, damaged, not-that-bright, good-old boy with a heart of gold? Be still my inner teenager who grew up in a redneck town.

Me too, which is why I think I hate the chiffon-y shit so much. It's like I'm hot and I'm sweaty, then I'm cold and I'm clammy, ugh skin and fabric get on the same page! It's why cotton is now, and has always been, the fabric of my life.

Not everything. Okay, no I'm going through my ModCloth shit in my head and yeah, it's mostly polyester, I've sent stuff back to there that felt straight-up horrible. I can deal with a polyknit, but that chiffon stuff is the devil. Ah ha! The belt I'm currently wearing isn't polyester at all. PVC probably, but not

Nope, I'm pretty sure it was.

I just think he's eccentric and has an interesting world view, but he seems like a basically decent guy who's pretty stinkin' smart. And, part of that smarts is playing up this weird, arty, rich-guy persona in the press, it's not a whole lot different than the schtick that "I'm a PC" guy is currently running. Kanye is

It just seems to make the end lashes fuller, somehow. My eyes are pretty round and it gives me more lift at the edges. Kind of gives a bit sexier look than the wide-eyed thing that happens if the mascara is more evenly distributed.

Me too! I'm currently in love with Maybelline's cat eyes mascara, I switch out faithfully every 3 months to keep the styes at bay, but good, old Maybelline has always worked for me anyway.

I feel like Mike D and his wife really love their stuff and their space. That's the one way you can never go wrong with decorating. Well, for you, if you like wolf paintings and Precious Moments figurines the NYT Style section won't be coming to photograph your home, but at least you'll love it.

I think it makes your eyes look bigger, but it's usually only a nighttime/dressy occasion thing for me. I'm also long-lashed and it's too much for me for daytime.

I am shocked, amazed and horrified by how many of these apply to my life right now. I will not be afraid to yell at the refs, Yeesus, I will not!

Unfortunately, she was, of the Year variety. The Hefner genes are strong in that one.

Holy tits, Lindy! You should have said on-set. On-set kiss with Scarlett Johansson & Chris Evans. My irrational love for Chris Evans almost made me go jump off a bridge. A couple of interviews, a text to the other cast members that read "Avengers Assemble" with an address when they started filming and his role in Scott

Glad to see they didn't mess with my boo:

Both my most-fun-but-least-favorite uncle and my college boyfriend have July 11 birthdays, a lot of emotional attention is accurate. In my experience, the royal baby and the Kimyeby will either grow up to be an overgrown manchild who drinks too much, or a devoted family man and great friend. Or, someone completely

I heard Lorde on the Sirius yesterday. Sweet christ on a cracker she's awesome. I meant to look her up last night, but fuck if my iPod didn't want to transfer music to my new computer making my life difficult and making me forget.

Get thee to Parks & Rec now! Seriously, Chris Traeger is lit-trally the best thing he's ever done.. You'll get that joke later.