
I posted separately, but I come from a kiss on the lips family. It's just what we've always done. I don't know if it's because my Gramma was super-affectionate, or what. But yeah, boys, girls, moms, dads, kids, aunts, uncles, cousins, everyone blood related gets a quick peck, some close family friends get in on the

I come from a kiss on the lips family. Everybody parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, we give each other pecks on the lips. This Will Smith video squicks me out not one iota.

It's a sneaky bugger. Soaks on in and brings the heat for hours.

As much as I dislike where I live now (Withmyparentslandia - a place of little hope), I don't miss Philly much either. Magic is in short supply. Sushi isn't, or things to do after 8 pm, those things I miss.

True. My new pill makes it so that I only really have my period for, like, a day. I wear a liner the rest of the week, just in case, also because I'm paranoid. But, yeah, the spotty times, before it would have been really difficult to get an OB in.

If the relationship had worked out, it would probably be a funny story. Since it ended, um, not so well.

True facts.

It did, indeed, essentially: all-day drinking + cheesesteaks with hot peppers + cute boy to make-out with = ouch! stop that!

It wasn't fun, not tingly like those warming creams can be, just burny.

Have a fella's hands on your nethers after he's touched hot peppers and not properly washed his hands and tell me fingers aren't filthy.

My short fingers and small hands thank the Catholics for making it possible to get a tampon into the proper spot in my vagina so as to be comfortably worn. I just can't reach with an OB.

Interesting take. And, you go, you be the best YouGaga you can be!

That description is perfection.

It was nice of Gaga to tweet a pic where the other bridesmaids look pretty and she looks kind of stoned and out of it. I would do the exact opposite.

Best denim matched pair since this one:

I know Cersei used some falls and fake braids and shizz. They show her at one point with her hair just in the twisty things, and she puts, like a headband of braided hair on.

You guys are making Duncan really sad...

Son of a bitch! I had it spelled that way, but accidentally typed 2 ns and the red line of bad spelling popped up, when I right clicked, I saw "tenements" so I thought I originally had it wrong. Balls.

Me too, even if I haven't had sex in an amount of time that would be reasonable to suspect pregnancy. Like maybe I'm one of those people who just didn't have any symptoms until late in the pregnancy. Or, like that horrifying story of the runner who thought she hurt her back and was, whoops, in freaking labor.

At least my guy is pretty quick. Just, "Hey, you know these reduce the effectiveness of your pill, right? Good. Take extra precautions." The first time he did it, I was getting both scrips filled at the same time, so it was very understandable.