
Dude, have you been talking to my old boss, I think one of the central tenants of his life philosophy is "Everything is better with Nate Dogg."

Antibiotic babies seem to have been a small epidemic around me. Well, antibiotics combined with a bit too much alcohol. I have to wonder who let the local pharmacist (small town what!) have it, the 2 times I have been on antibiotics in the last 6 months, he's pulled me aside and told me I should use a back-up bc

I've been really, really hoping that with the success of his Avengers stuff that someone, somewhere will give him the chance to make his Wonder Woman movie. Not with Charisma Carpenter, as the faithful once suggested. But, maybe, perhaps, now that you mention The Hunger Games, with Jennifer Lawrence?

Do I think he owes it to me? No, absolutely not. Do I think he owes it to himself? Probably. I would just be really, really sad if I never got to see what happened to this world he created. And, I don't know him personally, but I'd be really sad if something happened to George RR Martin. Probably more sad than when

I wonder if that guy I dated who talked non-stop about dating Lauren Weisberger in prep school (I know, barf, it was 1 date and a moderately awkward viewing of Constantine on my couch.) still tortures people with non-stop talking about his famous ex?

Dorne is amazing. The Sand Snakes are amazing. The end.

I get that she's learning and growing. I just wish the learning and growing was more interesting to me is all. My cousin and I were texting about the show, and his wife was really upset by the Red Wedding. Her 3 wishes for the show were for the Starks to reunite, Joffery to die and Dany to ride a dragon into battle.

I just google image searched "george rr martin gifs".

He actually had a pretty serious health scare last winter or the one before, like weeks in the hospital with a serious infection, so it could have already happened once, beyond the every day of accidents and such. And, he's said he has no Wheel of Time-like back-up plan in place, and doesn't plan to make one. As

I did say implied, also her mom working with Tywin is where the plant thing comes in. Maybe not to seduce him, per se, but let's put to hormone riddled young folks together and see what happens. Best case scenario for the Lannisters, Robb and Jeyne hit it off, Red Wedding eventually happens. Worst case, they don't hit

My cousin sent me this on Monday, it rings true for the dead Starks, even if the others reunite.

All very true. But, you know from prophesies and whatnot that Dany will go to Westeros, so it's just like, "Ugh, do it already!"

They cut that mercifully short in the show.

Exactly. I had a friend ask if BookRobb was so shallow. I explained to him the POV and that we don't know anything about him except for what other people tell us, but basically he's baby Ned. Hamstrung by his honor in a dishonorable world.

The implied stuff in the books makes it all make more sense. Talisa was Jeyne Westerling, a daughter of a Lannister cousin, who was most likely a plant to seduce Robb. The theory is that the Lannisters, read: Tywin, were counting on him having inherited Ned's sense of honor and him screwing over the Freys to marry a

He spent most of the 2 years before a Dance With Dragons talking about how hard it was to untangle the "Mereeneese Knot", which if you've read the books, you might remember as "Fucking Do Something, Dany!" What I'm saying is, I want more "Red Wedding" hard, less "Christ on a Cracker, go to Westeros Already!" hard.

Please, oh please, oh please, oh please live to finish the series. Also, I love you, never change.

The first time he shaved he got horrible razor burn. After a few more tries, my Gramma took him to a dermatologist who basically told him just not to shave, so he didn't. My whole life people in my hometown have told me I look just like my dad "without the beard" (my response is, "Not yet."), I never really got it

She's pretty great. 6 or 7 years ago, there was a BOGO ticket thing for her Philly show and my old roommate and I snapped some up. Dolly is amazing. "Old Flames Can't Hold a Candle to You" is one of my all-time favorite songs, even if Ke$ha's mom wrote it.

Oooh! That was me! Me but on Twitter!