That's a lovely story! I've often said that if my dad got rid of his beard tomorrow, I wouldn't recognize him, he's had it since he was 16. My best wishes on your dad's continued remission.
That's a lovely story! I've often said that if my dad got rid of his beard tomorrow, I wouldn't recognize him, he's had it since he was 16. My best wishes on your dad's continued remission.
The only one of JLH's exes that really matters to me is Liebgott!
Three words The Mindy Project.
I know everyone's upset about last night's Game of Thrones and all, but this quote from George RR Martin via Lord Varys seems particularly appropriate here:
*Sigh* Going through some stuff and reading the happy couple stuff is making me have a sad. This one, who I am going through the stuff over, it was a thing for me to call him by his full first name when I was in, as they say, the mood. And, if I used "Mr. HisLastName" chances were we weren't going to make it out of…
He's a good actor, but he's aged into a puffy, angry looking version of my cousin Derek, which is weird because he used to look like Chris Hardwick, he's grown into his nose. So, if anyone's keeping track, my cousin Todd is Fat Matt Damon and my cousin Derek is Skinny Leonardo DiCaprio.
I think it's when he became WILL SMITH!
I was really sleepy when I finally had time to watch this week's (last night *yawn*) and I was getting my weddings mixed up, and was just praying for that smirking little twat to turn blue.
Know your audience though, right? Some people watch for the schadenfreude, I have a friend who is pretty much the Paula Abdul to my MC Skatcat (as in we're total opposites) and she watches it for the LURVE!
I think it's because he looks like Baby Goose and Hemsworth the Lesser had a love child, but that's just me.
Mine have appeared on the right side of my neck, that's right, my body's choice is to grow a neckbeard.