
That is the only danger. I have yet to run across anyone who was really into golden showers. Well, anyone who would admit it anyway.

Look, my body isn't perfect according to media-cultural standards, but you know what, it's mine. And I'm going to do my very best to love it. I'm active, I eat well, and this is what I look like, so I'm finished killing myself to fit some ever-changing, fucked-up societal view of what a woman should look like. Some

If this weekend had anything to do with my choice, I would, and in my everyday life, I do. But, this weekend is a "girls weekend" with my college friends, and when the paths arose in that yellow wood known as post-collegiate life, I took the road less traveled, and that means I'm along for the ride if I want to hang

Oh, I won't be alone, I'll be with 6 of my college friends, and if none of that ever happened when we were in college, it's not happening in our 30s. Who knows who I'll run into though, I did once live in Philly, and we're going to the douchiest of areas, god knows I carelessly ran through lots of douches when I lived

It's just the fucking worst.

Seriously, that app that Charlie developed on Girls, where you have to pay money to contact certain number, that would be invaluable to me. A lot of the time.

This weekend, actually, here's hoping it doesn't lead to tears or really un-advisable drunk texting!

How dare you? Zoe Saldana is a saint!

Agreed. And, props on the pole dancing, I did it once for a bachelorette party thing, and my arms were all, "Boo, you whore!" In the way that I don't have nearly the upper body strength for it and they essentially gave out on me. I did excel at the crawling around on the floor sexily portion of the class.

I believe I have a bunch of naked Jem dolls in my parents attic, I was always pissed because they couldn't share clothes with Barbie. Also, I had a She-Ra castle, it was the BEST!

Seriously Us/Farrah, the angelic, thoughtful face in the stripperiest bikini this side of the Crazy Horse? I just actually lol'd. Also, Farrah, girl, you're kind of an asshole, look into it.

If only I were half as badass as Lisbeth. I'm a lot closer to Penny Hartz in real life.

I get phone calls, text messages, "What is the name of the song that goes..." My research was mostly in pop culture, doesn't mean I don't know how to properly use the internet.

Sorry, just realized you were responding to my other post. It was more of a lesson-learned thing with my old roommate. You go out on a date with someone who is using a fake name and steals all of your credit cards and see if you don't start feeling you see if you can at least find a picture to go with a name. It just

That's a very specific instance, we had already slept together by the time I did the hardcore research. He was TDY when I met him, and I knew what city he lived in and whereabouts, but not the actual street address. I had also seen various forms of his ID too, so I could have seen the address there. As a woman, a

My old roommate had all of her credit cards stolen by a guy she went on a date with, had she Googled, she may have discovered that he was not who claimed to be (fake name, cell under another woman's name). Oh, and FYI, he used one of her cards to pay for an internet dating site.

It's starts with a P, and ends with "age views".

Really, if you aren't expecting a thorough pre-date Googling, you're living in a dream world.

And I thought Ashmi was some new-fangled rapper the kids are into these days.

I may or may not have once had the photographer proofs to an old Penthouse shoot done in this car. Well, Penthouse bought the shots, and the company I worked for licensed them. My job used to be pretty awesome, I don't like to think about it, I get a big case of the sad.