
Oh, sweet christ on a cracker, Corbett. Maybe jobs are down because you keep cutting funding to things like, oh, I don't know schools, to fund the massive tax cuts and subsidies you're giving to the "totally safe" Marcellus Shale drilling operations. Really great teachers are terrified they're going to be laid off, or

I did think that, "It's not hard, but here are all the ways you have to change what you're doing. I hope those aren't hard for you!"

Oh, and hey, I'm moving to Austin in the fall, with a dear friend, but we're both awesome and are going to need more friends so we don't eventually get sick of looking at each others faces. So, if anyone has any ideas where we might achieve that, or wants to be my online friend now and my in-person friend round about

I went to a small school where Greek organizations weren't important, but sports teams were, they practiced a lot of disgusting hazing stuff on team "rookies" a lot of whom were on scholarships, so they couldn't quit or say anything. Particular offenders were mens' rugby & womens' soccer, or maybe I just knew about

If I had a nickle for every time a Starbucks employee got my first name wrong - Tracy, Stacey, Casey, simple misspellings, I'd have enough for several cups of Starbucks coffee. That's a lot of nickles.

"I was not raised in that type of house." I was trying to figure out long he would have been a serious influence in her life, because I'm really interested on what sort of influences a parent's attitudes on race, etc. can have on a child. Anyway, homegirl's facebook is mostly public. She likes cat pictures and recipes

I kind of picture it as my friends and I occasionally busting out some moves from cheerleading routines when we're tipsy and the appropriate song comes on at a bar. Just, you know, Spice Girls instead of Cardinal cheerleaders.

I know, I feel a little bad for the woman, but how her dad behaved in his later years, and how he behaved in 1947 are probably vastly different. He may have learned and practiced tolerance in his life, doesn't mean he didn't intentionally hit Jackie Robinson with a baseball because he was black... Oh, wait, Fritz

You tell me that when you have your Nana's arms and your uncles are all like, Nana used to let us play punching bag with her arms when we were little boys. Not that I would probably ever get arm surgery, but the idea of ever wearing a blazer is nice. Or a button-down shirt, or a top with elastic around the sleeves.

You guys, is this whole Cousin Matthew being off Downton Abbey thing so that Julian Fellows can really soap it up next year and bring in Cousin Matthew's evil French twin? I feel like that's the only possible explanation for this look.

I think it's the darker hair. It's really softening and flattering to her skin. She's always gorgeous, but the dark hair is much nicer than the blond on her.

I wondered why a movie with such a big-time cast was all but whispered into theaters with almost no press. It just makes me wonder how people agree to be in stuff that turns out this bad, clearly they've made good life choices before?

You can get those at Old Navy, any time. Just wear a shirt that covers rise and no one will ever know your secret shame. They also take care of the accidental muffin top that can result when low-rise jeans fit you, but just won't stay up. The Dreamer is the name you want to look for on the jean wall, maybe the

Thank you! And like I said, it was one of those things that was maybe only noticeable or a problem, to me and wanted to illustrate. (Left unfilled, right filled) My oldest friend is a very fair lady, so she was helpful when the sparseness became a problem to me. And it was weird to go from, essentially, Tony

I used to have ridiculously full eyebrows, but my misbehaving (not enough for medication, mind you) thyroid has caused a general thinning of my hair. I noticed, mostly in photos that my face was looking odd, like I was ill or tired all the time, when I pinpointed the brows as the issue and started filling them it was

I use ELF's eyebrow pallet, it has a pretty universally flattering brown gel and light brown powder that helps keep brows in place and fill them in. I say universally flattering because I use it, and have dark hair and skin with olive undertones, and so does my best friend, who is so blond that she's nearly

I feel like, at the end of this interview, she was thinking this:

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying.

Is Wikipedia no longer user-edited? I know there are a board of crazy people there that call out if something is false, and they're quick to ban and much-less quick to unban under any circumstances, but has Wikipedia's structure changed? We didn't even use it a source when I wrote trivia, shit was wrong all the time.

My mom has a stash of sleazy 80s nightgowns, they make amazeballs last-minute witch/Stevie Nicks costumes when layered and accessorized properly. Also, I may have really like to play dress-up in them as a kid. No one who knew me should have been surprised at my early-20s rise to sluttiness.