
I had the 1978 version, because 1) My mom was a yardsaler. and 2) Who needs characters when you have imagination! Also, I want to know what Grandma Nutt looks like in the new version!

Case in point, the owners of the company I currently work for who are big supporters of Big Brothers/Big Sisters & the SPCA, they also have a daughter who is somewhere on the Autism spectrum, but very high-functioning and has been bullied mercilessly for her differences. The perception in the community is that they

World, I'd like to thank you for doing some good shit so far today, keep up the good work.

To the dirty bits, I have one thing to say. Summer Sisters. That is all.

I would like to nominated this post and it's comments for Comments of a Lifetime. I would also like to thank you all for making me laugh after what has been a soul-sucking week for me personally, after the international kick in the teeth that was last week. I legit LOL'd twice. You all are amazing. I give you all of

But who will do all of the Michelle Rodriguez acting roles now!?!? I'm serious you guys, this is a legitimate concern for me. Who will be the tough, sassy, street-smart, but damaged and sensitive cop/military person/criminal lady in things now? A new one must rise!

She did get to The Body last night, she direct tweeted Emma Caulfield giving her props for both her comedic chops and making her cry with, um, the speech. You know, the Anya speech.

I was looking for you! This theme day you're doing is fun! I'd like to humbly add this, to express my feelings on the Star spread.

Also if anyone can come up with a good reason I was searching Supernatural GIFs on "company time", that would be great. I work in construction, so something related to that would be great. You know, just in case anyone asks.

FALSE! This headline is patently false. I may be projecting a Scots accent onto everyone in kilt, but for the most part, kilt-wearers can toss their cabers at me anytime.

The Below the Line thing is a great exercise for a lot of people who have never had to think about it. But it doesn't take into account a bunch of stuff, like how many people living in poverty also live in food deserts, or work multiple jobs with long hours. It's been bugging me mostly because of Debbie Mazar's

I think for most Americans, it's hard not to hear profiling and think race, and it's hard to hear it out of the mouth of someone who seems to be a racist asshat and not hear him implying "brown-skinned Arab" when he says Muslim. It's no different than certain segments of the American political system talk about

I grew up in a rural, isolated area. What I really mean is secluded, like purposefully, I guess? Like the Amish, who are actually with it enough to take someone to a hospital. I was getting at more of a sequestered, religious community, where people would have been schooled there with a specific set of teachings. Or

Pine. I feel like he'd do really fun, dirty things in the boudoir, while also making you laugh. And those lips. But, um, I'm not picky in this situation.

I just can't, I can get how, if you live in a rural, isolated area, you could maybe, maybe, be raised to believe that this is okay. That prayer will save your child. But, these people live in a major metropolis, how can you so willfully ignore the world around you? Especially when you've already had one child die. Do

I have these for waiting tables. Fuck dignity, I can walk after running my ass off 6 to 8 hours a night.

Thanks, but trust, if I were less mature than I am now, it could certainly go that way. Say 10 years ago me would have totally tried to see what I could get over on him. Shit, 5 years ago me. But, now I'm an old person, and I've decided to embrace the openness and communication it facilitates. What sucks is that if

Personally, I think he's best with non-verbal cues. There have been one or two times where something has pissed me off, mostly one of his, I don't want to say friends or buddies, so much as I guess work colleagues? But in units they're more like a family, some people you love, some people not so much, but they all

Try dating someone in military intelligence who is trained to read minute facial cues. I swear, sometimes he'd know something was wrong before I did. It's disconcerting but comforting to know that he knows that there's an issue, he cares, wants to know what it is and to work it out. At least he has thus far. I can say

I'm kind of hoping that by the time the show gets around to Mereen, that they've diverged so fully I won't spend an entire season yelling, "Jesus, Dany! Just fucking do something!" at my TV, because it was embarrassing enough when I did it to the book.