ScowlyBrowSpinster---en vacance


Good. Superbowl performers don’t get paid. I wouldn’t put on a free show for a shady miserable corporation worth billions either. Wish more people would stop supporting their bullshit.

True. The Olympics has been murdered by many capable women so far.

The fact that there is no mention of the strangling of newborn males, with their own umbillical cords, leads me to think this is tongue in cheek.

Ivanka is like GOOP, i mean POOP.


Not knowing the context of “Scary Lucy” I first thought the image at the top was of the bad statue. I stared at it for a while wondering what the problem was. That’s when I scrolled down a bit further and finally saw the hellspawn. That is a fucking terrifying monster captured in bronze.

That patchy beard bullshit is nothing short of a travesty. Oh my god.

Hopefully it’s the former.

“Little Marco”

Thank you! She is always a side character and always steals the show.

I like her, too.

this movie looks questionable but why isn’t kathryn hahn in everything? always? all the time?

I used to work with this little old Russian lady who had an interesting philosophy. To paraphrase, “Life is shit. Everything will probably go horribly wrong tomorrow. Have a good day.”

Every morning I’d ask her how she was, and she’d respond, “Feh! Life is shit. I am miserable. Everything hurts. It’s good to be alive!”

I’m really sorry this happened to you. I’ve seen a lot of good suggestions already, so I won’t repeat those, but throw yourself into your grad program and your life in New York. You may not realize it, but distance is a very good thing. You don’t have to worry about seeing him, and if he only visited you a few times

Once you become dead inside, the rest is easy.

I’m shocked that idiot has all of his fingers.

“Shiplap” sounds like a Don Martinsound effect of someone stepping on a loose floorboard that comes up and hits them in the face.

Or bringing up past injustice is being “divisive.” Because black people were totally happy and content with the current state of things until Obama reminded them about injustice. /s (obviously)