
Overlooked the link but thanks for the snark!

But if you are referring to the Margaret Cho incident, then you either didn’t finish reading it, or you siding with the person who lied and hate-mongered for attention.

Oh who cares? The baby isn’t even born yet. Does it really matter, so long as you raise them without inflicting pointless/harmful gender norms and allow them to make choices for themselves?

hahaha alright I definitely don’t then

Nope! Especially not if she died in their custody.

Would like to examples of both women’s “entitled cluelessness”

but if you’re speaking English and not French then you can use them interchangeably

They are not famous for being sober, are they?

Maybe she meant she meant “far-right”

I thought YouWishIWentAway said it pretty well

I believe it’s when the Kardashians started using it interchangeably with “typical”

I actually totally admit I misread that one comment from you and I apologize, particularly for the paint comment. It was careless and then it was mean. And then it was too late to edit and you said “bye” so I figured I wouldn’t waste words if you really wanted to not talk about this anymore.

Pro-tip: If someones makes a disclaimer about saying something naive, and then does that exactly that, that’s what is supposed to happen, don’t be alarmed!


But at the end of the day, what you’re doing is shaming someone for learning something good. You don’t have to hold her up as a paradigm of enlightenment or anything, but she got there in the end. And she even admitted that she was naive.

Interesting! Funny though because it still proves that people do, in fact, need seemingly obvious things explained sometimes.

Wait that’s a troll though, right? Because WTF is candlepin bowling?

So is it that you feel patronized? Or your time has been wasted? What? You just can’t stand hearing anything vaguely resembling something you’ve heard before?

So once a person reaches a certain age, you would prefer that they not grow and learn new things?

Wow this article sounds more like a litany of petty personal opinions and unfair comparisons than anything.