But but but SUBWAY PUT GROUND-UP YOGA MATS IN THEIR BREAD. And I avoid CHEMICALS in my food. And if I can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s BAD for me.
But but but SUBWAY PUT GROUND-UP YOGA MATS IN THEIR BREAD. And I avoid CHEMICALS in my food. And if I can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s BAD for me.
Way to miss the point. ABC wasn’t in the wrong because it told the truth. Perhaps the truth is inconvenient to you or to the people who make food. To fucking bad. It’s the truth.
You’re an engineer, which explains why you have no understanding of libel law.
Needs more beefcake, this guy is far too tiny to take on that manly mantle.
Like they perfected Leif Garret.
everyone needs to quit twitter. mental health of this country would quadrouple.
I think she should have stayed as the more strong voices on there the better. But if she was going to go, burn that shit down!
I’m thinking any platform that hosts (and fails to deal with) white supremacists deserve to have high profile members delete their accounts and as a result publicly remove their endorsement. Pretty sure there would be an actual focus by these companies (FB, Twitter) to stop allowing hatred to organize and proliferate…
I know, it was so dumb. It was one of the reasons I decided to leave the group (the breaking point for me was a thread that decided it would be funny to discuss what would happen if they made a “Science Party” for a third party as if third party voters weren’t part of what helped Trump win the last election). They…
That’s what I keep telling everyone.
Gucci is so tacky; you’re not missing out on anything. They are the emperor’s new clothes of modern high-end fashion (and that’s really saying something): hideous but venerated because powerful people say so. Whatever; no one will convince me that Gucci’s red/green/multitudinous shades of shit brown color scheme is…
No, I can’t. You’re Nazi sympathizers so I’m not sure why people would be hopping to answer your desperate emails.
“I want to make it perfectly clear that my company said nothing negative about the Dear Leader. My employees did not speak out in opposition to the Führer. Gaddafi would have looked fabulous in our products.”
That’s an insult to pussy everywhere.
I think we need statues of the women or a plaque so we can remember that medical history is based on abuse of the vulnerable and racism. I recently had one of the dumbest arguments of my life on the March for Science FB group by someone who thought that “science” was naturally good and that race shouldn’t be discussed…
“I’m terrified, I’m afraid you’re going to kill me, I really am, alright?”
Oh, isn’t it interesting that all of a sudden he’s concerned about becoming the victim of police violence. I’d view that as a great irony if I could be persuaded to give a tiny little flying fuck about his future.