lucifers hands

Don’t see what the point of this article is. Any game that releases a content update is going to have a spike in players. In a weeks time it could easily be back down to 500 players a day

I was being rhetorical and referring to any game in general

They don’t have any obligation, if that’s the case then they have to add in all the promised features that are missing.

Did the miniatures compare in quality to the promotional shots they used on kickstarter?

How is it a stupid thing to say?

It’s also one of the worst rated games on Steam, which will not help get potential players in

Because it’s pointless updating a game that no one is playing

True that, but with the last game, didn’t they do a complete overhaul?

Sorry bruh, wrong again

Haven’t played it, the last FF I played was 8 I think? What about the DLC?

“You might run into random crashes that cost you hours of progress”

Super Moff

He certainly did not repeatedly say that, he repeatedly said there was multiplayer, planet rotation, no skyboxes and other things

He certainly did not repeatedly say that, he repeatedly said there was multiplayer, planet rotation, no skyboxes and

They didn’t say they wouldn’t be in the game at launch, so they certainly implied they would be. Could have easily been rectified if they came out and said we’ve cut certain features. But no they didn’t, they claimed things like multiplayer up to and after launch

They didn’t say they wouldn’t be in the game at launch, so they certainly implied they would be. Could have easily

It’s more of a minor update and it’s doesn’t address any of it’s shortcomings, dunno why people keep trying to hype this

It’s more of a minor update and it’s doesn’t address any of it’s shortcomings, dunno why people keep trying to hype

Possibly, for now it’s the same broken game with a new feature

sorry bub you’re wrong

He’s a beardy asshole!

Ah but no, you are still wrong

They could have said lots of things, so what if it still would be controversial. They straight up lied and released an unfinished game, they hyped the game. The update is shite anyway and adds nothing to a bad game.