lucifers hands
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Ridley Scott made the film, he made Deckard a replicant, there’s enough clues in the film to show that and Scott has come out and said it direct.

I can understand that. in fact I try to avoid spending full price on any games, the best buy gamer club has helped. even on black Friday I opted against buying certain games, such as Titanfall 2 an COD, because I knew I’d play the short campaign and little else. If I a buying a game that launch its typically a game I

Was it not on an visit to some caste in Ireland?
And yes the issue is that its weight as much as an M2 but is made to look like an limo.

Perhaps on a fundamental level. I thought visual novels were more of a Japanese thing, and I don’t tend to play those because I don’t like that much reading in my games. I’m thinking more about Western games like Journey, Gone Home, Firewatch, games that get the “walking simulator” label slapped on them. Light

Wallet inspector!

Is what I misread...

My friend is a psych nurse and she told me that at a hospital she worked for they would administer Ketamine to patients with severe depression and PTSD. I’ve never tried it, but I’m curious. I want to compare all of these substances and see which one works best. How does it differ from your LSD experiences?

I was terrified of a bad trip which is why I worked my way up. I got it in liquid form, so I would call each drop a “hit”. Four drops is about right. The closest I got to a bad trip was when I accidentally had around 10. It was intense and the auditory hallucination was worse than the visual, but it wasn’t that bad.

Without the trip for those that don’t like the trip. Personally, I enjoy the trip because it’s like entering a completely different world.

“What Akira looks like now is AMAZING!”

Some animals are dicks though and dicks for the sake of being dicks

sexy af

That and a 2 second infinite loop gif that is incredibly irritating and frustrating because it is set at 2x-4x speed. F-those front page gifs.

In the hands of Zach Smith, oooooooo.

it certainly looks like a lemmy signature model, that’s for sure

No worries. I’ll try to dig a few out when I get home (Maybe 5 hours from now) and post some pics.


*Checks to make sure this isn’t another useless fucking Sploid video*

Yup, I don’t have enough time on hand to lose 30 minutes of progress, let alone hours. Will be keeping an eye on updates and patches.