lucifers hands

I wouldn’t call this one of the ‘greatest hoaxes’.

Hell, if you don’t like Scott’s version, go make your own

The main clue in the original film is in the eyes and deckards eyes in one scene show that he is a replicant. The unicorn was added later.

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Sorry, Deckard is a replicant, don’t take my word for it.

I spent 2 weeks in one, great craic!

It’s no worse an experience than camping

Is that the one above the transexual club? I stayed in that one in Shinjuku. Great value, but the internet cafes I stayed in were even cheaper

You can do all the playtesting you like, it’s not until launch that you’ll get feedback from the fans

Can someone explain to me, why this exists? It’s a fucking trailer

fucking bitch

Once again, why in the name of fuck do they only allow these trailers to be watched in North America? What is the point of it? This is a promotional video.

No mans high is a pretty shit sub too, it was just the antithesis of the other.

The unedited versions all have boobs

WHooooaaaah! Zing!

I’ll clash of clans you if you’re not careful

Gimmickry? The whole plot of the book and the film is of a bounty hunter ‘retiring’ replicants

The gesture isn’t meaningless, he is his enemy because he is hunting him, not because he could be human

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I don’t get why people are so butt hurt about this. It’s Scott’s film, he made Deckard a replicant. End of story. Those that don’t like that are free to get permission to make their own version.

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Ridley Scott made the film, he made Deckard a replicant, there’s enough clues in the film to show that and Scott has come out and said it direct.

I’m not sure how watching videos of kittens being tortured would make you feel better, besides the fact that that is illegal