lucifers hands

Even after release Sean Murray still claimed it was multiplayer

No they’re not

Sony had no input during development or pricing the game

But don’t label the game as a survival game then

The patch notes are bullshit, look at the patch notes from 1.03

You’re entitled to be an entitled dickbag after paying for a game.

A DLC is a lot different to an update patch, which is what this is. And any triple A game will have a day one patch and continue to patch. 3 months is a lazy insult

I’ll cyber monday you if you’re not careful

I’ll cyber monday you if you’re not careful

But it’s not

Far from finished, far, far, far

3 months later, mediocre update, still a crap buggy game

It’s still a shit game and not worth 60 dollars. The patch adds little

I booked mine about a week ago. Next door to UK

He said day one

They need a game first.

It’s called a lunch box or bento in japanese

There isn’t any crime in Japan, so pretty unlikely

A Scanner Darkly was a very good adaptation of the book.

What exactly is high tech about it? It’s replacing the function buttons with a touch screen?

I have seen videos of say an ostracised lioness looking after an abandoned antelope. But in those cases they’ve been aware of the difference in species.