lucifers hands

I dunno bout that theory. How many animals are known for mistaking other animals as members of their own species?

Yeah, once he gets hungry, things turn a little different

Good advice, if they are hungry enough they are known to attack. Plus, most polar bears aren’t exposed to humans enough to fear them.

Ah cool, thanks for the explanation

I’ll hold my hand up for that one, that was me. Sorry about that

Thanks, definitely haven’t read that one. I’ve read The Forever War, very good. And I’ve read half of Stranger, must finish it cos I was enjoying it. Stars my Destination, I’ve read and listened to it on audio now that I’m reminded. Good read that too.

Ha, I can somehow gleam (or grok) that you are not a Heinlein fan!

Depends on the metal, the amount and your overheads. Plus depth and ease of retrieval

Thanks, I’ll do some reading up on it

Ah right, haven’t heard of this, which is odd

Lots of technology here is built/developed on the premise of future tech providing the missing parts that aren’t available now.

What’s The Moon is a Harsh Mistress about? I’m not sure if I’ve read it?

Why not? If it was HBO or something they would/could. Are syfy that conservative?

Is it episodic or separate tales ala The Twilight Zone?

Never heard of it as The Great Smog before. I always knew it as the Great Fog of London. Better ring to it, like The Great War

Not really

That would be my issue with it

I always thought EVE was free? Did it used to be free, then became sub only?

There’s a beach in Wales or England, that due to whatever currents head that way, gets loads of weird stuff very regularly. It gets lego pieces all the time for some reason, a bizarre amount of lego.

Sashimi is the raw fish