lucifers hands

I guess you misinterpreted my question

Nice one, cheers

A lot of arselickers using bold too

What does the tweet mean?

I think it’s because a lot of people think that simply buying and owning these mean they are being healthy, when in fact they don’t change their lifestyle at all. They end up using it as a pedometer only

Worked out well in that documentary Jurassic Park, the sterile dinosaurs, or was it they were all one sex? Anyway, nature shall find a way

I’m no climate change denier, hell I believe in the climate. However, I’d be curious to know which months the 2016 and 1984 models are from though. Is one from the summer and one from the winter to achieve maximum impact

Que the torrent of comments saying the film is racist


Eh, it doesn’t ensure games get pirated. Games are pirated, no matter what platform they’re on

Wrong on so many levels. Myanmar is not the name anyone from Bruma would call it

the internet must have really improved there since I visited, you couldn’t even get dial up. By the way the country’s name is Burma, just ask anyone from there

Too strong to live? What the fuck are you on about?

Lifehacker is about the worst website ever, but I get what you’re saying. Just find a guide that’s better than whatevers on lifehacker

Why isn’t this or a similar joke not the top post?

An indie game costs about 5 to 15 dollars. This was a 60 dollar triple a game with promised features removed.

Lobo, Lobo!!!

I kinda got the impression that it was ‘fuck you’, we had this symbol first, but we also like the eagle so we’ll use that now too.

That makes sense. I guess it’s just one of the well believed myths that it’s the inverse, there’s no reason why all cultures would have only had it one direction.