lucifers hands

Goat simulator was nothing compared to it’s less well known predecessor: Goat Stimulator

Pre-ordering is a load of shite, generally there’s no incentive, maybe some cosmetic items to download. NMS is the perfect example of why not to pre-order. Actually it’s a perfect example of why not to trust early review either. Too many outlets gave an incomplete buggy game a fair to decent review. Had they spent

Yeah I noticed that myself.

I couldn’t say one way or the other really. I just noticed a lot of clothing with them, it didn’t seem politically motivated, nor did anyone seem put out by them at all. You could be right though. It was an odd thing to see at first as you’d never see it in my part of the world

My phone sits in my pocket and doesn’t bother me. My mp3 goes around my neck and fitness tracker on the wrist. That took a little getting used to as I haven’t even had a watch in a few decades

Haha, yeah, never rely on a gadget unless it’s specifically made for a medical purpose. Have to say I find my one good, but until I do my next 24 monitor with my doctor I won’t be able to judge for sure. I use the Miband and it’s good for what I want, plus I get over a month battery life, don’t like notifications etc

Grand, I’ll concede that, my knowlege of Germany pre WW2 wouldn’t be all that great. But the Nazis adopted it also. With the swaztika, it certainly suggest nazism.

Well just to put the argument to rest, I’ll stick with my original comment. That they were civilian cities. Now I know most historians will agree that these bombs ended the war quicker, but I just can’t agree with killing on that scale.

The problem being that the heart rate monitor isn’t that accurate on a watch, or so I have read. I like a separate mp3 player as with a good one and a good set of headphones, you get a vastly superior sound. But that’s personal choice and what suits me might not suit you and vice versa :)

I’ve been in Russia, there’s a lot of Nazi skinheads. We have nationalists of a different type here, the vast majority don’t know the history of our own country, the Russian skinheads seems similar, angry young men

I’m not sure which post you’re replying to? The one where I had my pictures of Burma? I guess that theory is possible.  It was absolutely shocking the first time I saw it, a huge swaztika covering a red t-shirt, then I kept seeing it everywhere. It would be nice for a native to weigh in with an explanation

Hiroshima was bombed directly over the Shima Surgical Clinic, up to 146,000 civilians killed. Nagasaki, up to 80,000 killed of which 150 were soldiers and military personnel

I’m not sure if it’s a bad thing or not, I’d like to hear the Burmese reason for it. After all the swaztika is just the inverse of a symbol that’s been in most cultures

Collateral damage, call it what you will. They were dropped in the centre of cities, not on the industrial areas

Yes, but this being the 11 years war and the New Model Armys campaign, separate to the English war. Although, if they taught it in your school good on them. Most of my English friends don’t know of Cromwells more nefarious deeds. I just think it’s interesting how history is different from country to country. A villain

Yeah, but the eagle associated with it is Nazi as are the colours and the actual helmet. I figured the Burmese are saying f you, we had the symbol first

That’s true. Cromwell obliterated half the population in my country. Genocidal mass murderer. In the uk that part of history is not taught in the school system

The Japanese did a lot of things as bad as the Nazis. Unit 731 for example. But then they also idolize American culture and they dropped 2 atomic bombs on their citizens, not their military but their citizens. So it’s a kinda alien culture for the west to get it’s head around.

Oh right, thought it might be an issue with her being female. People around here call, like to get upset about that.