lucifers hands

Can’t argue with that! I suppose it’s a bit of a waffle as we say over here

Cool, heard of Community, I’ll look up Atlanta

Cool your jets, I still like the dog. Soul intact

No disagreement there

All valid

haha, zing!

I retract my previous statement!

No doubt about it, the dog is awesome, we’ll have to agree to disagree on the costume!

Looking forward to this, won’t read the review to avoid spoilers

I’ll dyno test you if you’re not careful

Wouldn’t give it up for anything? Your life or your watch. Watch please.

I’ve been saying this since the hype for the Apple watch began. And it’s not apple hating either, it’s across the board smart watch hating.

The dog ones not much of a costume. A captain america mask on the dogs head and a shield placed beside him. Not impressed

Why do you think they would be pissed? Yeah must be a typo because I can’t find any info regarding a new preacher comic

I have at least one shower a day and trim it down every few months. So speaking for myself, no issues. And I feel the same way about women, if they have good hygeine, I’ve never noticed a bad smell or taste when going down on a woman.

The guy is a gobshite

Where are these statistics you speak of

So much wrong in so few sentences

current preacher? Please elaborate.

It happened in my last job. It’s not so much a concern for the person who got the promotion, but more for the person who was passed up