lucifers hands

Curious though, would the writers not be better for understanding the characters rather than the directors? Personally I don’t see the issue, I don’t care for the colour/gender of a director. I’ve never looked up the director of any tv show

I really don’t see why race or gender should even be an issue. Pick the right man (meaning human being) for the job

Are you Flying Squids replacement

He blocked you because you got the terming wrong.

Not exactly here, but in other articles. I dunno, I find that whatever the writer posts, the crowd generally jump on it and agree with the authors sentiments, pack mentality and all that.

I’m not familiar with him at all. Is he related to Danny Glover? I take it he’s relatively unknown, which has been common with a lot of Star Wars main character actors.

Ah he has to show up!

My brain omitted Lando and read that he was the new Han Solo. Weird

They’re not more detailed and beautiful, that’s all down to the artist

It doesn’t mention if it was on already or when it’s on

It still says ‘usual’

This whole article is clickbait garbage

I must give this a shot, I only have campaign one which will allow me to play this, I’ve missed out on the rest either due to them being finished before I bought campaign one or me being away.

Not everyone prefers the Xbox controllers

It’s geeky fanboying and arse licking. It’s because it was shown here with praise that people jump on the bandwagon. If Kotaku had announced it was meh, you would have had the majority agreeing with that.

Good triggering

Ha, I had to look that up, never heard the term. Guess I am

Yes, but can it tuck you in at night, can it butter your bread in the morning and most importantly, when you’re having the worst hangover of your life and your dead granny is crawling up your leg, when you’re trying to hide under the bed sheets, can it pat you on the head and tell you everything will be all right

I’ll need to look into it, I’m on the other side of the pond so it may be released at a different time. It was in the cinema underneath my apartment yesterday for one night only with the original 66 film back to back, but I was working

There’s 2 suns in the sky today and one’s at your door. When you feed the mountain, he’s going to feed you some more