Right before he says he’s about to beat him he says, “black male, white cop, thinks it’s funny.” No doubt it was racially motivated. He admits it!
Right before he says he’s about to beat him he says, “black male, white cop, thinks it’s funny.” No doubt it was racially motivated. He admits it!
I just want to let you that every time I read one of your comments, I read it in Liam Cunningham’s voice. I usually just read it and move on, but this one caught me off guard. Well done.
I think her healing is more intended to be for topping off as opposed to the kind of burst healing that can save a foundering tank you get from Mercy or Ana.
I would feel emotionally devastated if I ever killed someone, but that’s because I’m a human being and believe human life to be precious. I have thought about getting a gun because, and I know this is cliche, but just in case. Still, I don’t think I could live with myself if the worst case scenario did happen.
The second amendment was drafted to assure states that the federal government wouldn’t abolish state militias. If that’s true, we violated it a long time ago and still are.
I got in a huge argument with a bunch of greys on Splinter about this. It is true that the District of Columbia v. Heller case essentially drops the “well regulated militia” part of the amendment, however the protection the second amendment provides is not absolute, and reasonable regulations are permitted. If you…
This ...thing is clearly just being a troll. What I mean is Americans are so poorly educated that I bet the average white American does not even realize “colonizer” has a negative connentation. I didn’t really until I went to college. My high school education was nothing I’d want to brag about. Neither was college…
“it requires at least a superficial understanding of American history to understand the context.”
You people are insane. The same ruling you guys keep throwing at me as evidence that gun regulations are unconstitutional (District of Columbia v. Heller ) also clarifies that reasonable gun regulations are acceptable:
For people who love the second amendment so much it’s funny that they never quote the whole thing. I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but c’mon the damn thing starts with a well regulated militia. How these gun nuts can say the second amendment protects them from gun regulations will never make sense to me.
I didn’t miss it, I was just trying to join in. Apparently I’m too good at being a sarcastic asshole.
Yep we sure put them in their place by calling them libtards. Let’s respond to their next well constructed fact-based argument by calling them “snowflakes” MWA HA HA HA!
Two reasons, although if your question was coming from an intellectually honest position you would take the time to better educate yourself about white privilege before posting on a black news and opinion site.
Ah yes. Sometimes I forget about that verse in the Bible that says, “The love of money is the root of all...” good or something right? It’s not important.
Unless your argument is that every device classified as a firearm should be made available to the public, what is your point? We have always restricted guns with certain properties (full auto, explosives, etc). This is no different.
Good homework. Another thing I like to tell people based on my own math and googling is that roughly 100,000 votes across key swing states were all that decided the election for Trump. That comes out to about 0.05% of registered voters. If we account for voter suppression and gerrymandering you can absolutely make a…
Keeping my liquor to myself, but sending you all of my thoughts and prayers since that’s easy and meaningless the best thing to do.
I could tell you those two are Trump supporters even if they weren’t wearing the stupid hats. The telltale traits of inbreeding and fetal alcohol poisoning on their faces is a dead give away.
I didn’t like Teen Titans Go at first either, but my son got super into it and now I laugh my ass off at it. It’s a funny show if you don’t take it too seriously.
As you can see from my pic, I am what you would call a purple cat god.