Personally, I would be willing to do almost anything for enough money.
Personally, I would be willing to do almost anything for enough money.
Apparently it’s been “still too soon” since Columbine. Maybe we can talk about taking gun control seriously in another 20 years or so.
Ever notice how it’s always not the time?
I think one of the things the right hates most about the Obamas is how much happiness they find in each other. With them you can tell nothing is fake; nothing is a show for the cameras. They truly want to spend every second of everyday with each other.
They may have been raised to believe that, but I can’t understand people who never once think to question their beliefs. If you are going to go all in on being Republican, own it. Know the issues and why you believe them. I feel the same way about being Democrat, or any other political affiliation. These three girls…
This site is essentially a liberal blog. Of course we’re left biased and generally partisan. That isn’t exactly some kind of conspiracy you’ve uncovered. FOX and Breitbart are extreme right wing propaganda machines, but try to act like they are legitimate news. If anyone is confusing things it’s them.
On Splinter or the Root, a dissenting opinion is tolerated so long as it is respectful. I think it can sometimes lead to a thoughtful discussion. I don’t know the whole story though.
Most of them would say no because they already have jobs. Being poor is a lot harder and more work than just working and earning a wage that pays the bills will ever be, and I know this from first hand experience.
This is how I read it at least
Not only that, but any possible benefit to cutting corporate tax rates is lost by choosing to do it now. Had we waited for the economy to go into recession again, which it will inevitably do because that is what it does, we could have reduced the tax rate then and possibly mitigated the effects. Doing it now makes it…
Critics will say they’re just kids and boys will be boys, but times change. Fighting used to be no big deal, and heck when I was a kid you could get away with bringing a BB gun. Neither of these things are tolerated any longer, and you know what? The kids adapted, and are better off for it. There needs to be a system…
I think corporate could have saved some face by just saying this was racist as hell and they apologize. The people responsible have been fired. Why do these corporations still think they can get away with pretending racism doesn’t exist?
The civil war wasn’t a fight between good and evil so much as it was a fight between evil and slightly less evil. White people the world over had ideas toward pretty much all PoC that we would consider horrendous today. There were a few standouts who didn’t, of course. Lincoln just wasn’t really one of them. If you…
By background is from those churches. I legit kept getting in trouble with the pastor for bringing too many black people to church. I was told they like to keep the percentage at around %10 to prevent fights and I kid you not “gang activity.” We lived in a largely black neighborhood and many of my friends were black.…
The funny thing is, and by funny I mean tragic, is that he probably would be if all these so called Christians actually followed his example. I’m not religious, but have studied the Bible. If Jesus were real I don’t think he’d recognize evangelicals as his followers. People like this lady decide they need to be a…
You’re confusing race with species and indirectly touching upon a really great point. We are all homo sapien; that is to say human. Race is nothing more than how we have chosen to divide ourselves. That is not to say we should not celebrate our differences, however it is important to remember we are all the same…
I mean, here in the comments is the place to have an honest discussion. What are your opinions?
Right? Can people who pirate at least be honest about why they do it? Almost everyone has done it at some point, my self included.