
I think Bernie struck the same chord among some white liberals that Trump did with conservatives. He’s something of an outsider, a rebel, not traditionally presidential, and (most importantly) found a way to spin the issues in a way that sounds completely self-serving to his target audience.

I’m not 100% clear on your background, but I’m white and male. To me it just seems like a crappy thing to do to go on a blog dedicated to PoC or to women (The Root and Jezebel specifically) and try to shut down people’s opinions. If I legitimately disagree, and I think I can say it in a way that adds meaningful

Some people feel like they need to express outrage every time they read something they disagree with. Personally, one of the things I appreciate about The Root (and Jez) is the way many articles and commentors challenge my preconceptions. Some people just go out of their way to pick fights.

As someone who does know a thing or two about guns, the ironic (and tragic) thing to me is that semi-automatic fire is generally more deadly in a high capacity, high accuracy weapon like the AR-15. Full auto weapons aren’t about racking up a high body count so much as they are about suppression fire.

You really want to argue facts? Here’s one for you. Guns like the AR-15 are capable of firing more bullets in a shorter period of time then other guns legally owned for the purpose of sport or self defense. They are also modeled and marketed to resemble military assault style weapons. That is why some people call them

This argument is the same as arguing that tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers aren’t vegetables but are actually fruit. You are technically correct, but completely missing the point.

“mainly YouTube”

Laws don’t stop all crime. They work by disincentivizing crime in two ways. One, by making it more difficult to commit the crime (in this case stronger gun laws make it harder for certain people to get a gun). Two, by penalizing people who commit the crime. That wouldn’t affect the gunman in this case, but if it had

I used to work with guys like that. It sucked. We even had a few fights, like actually throwing punches. Most violent fuckers I ever met, but quick to tell you how much they love Jesus.

This one kind of fits the canon tbh. Both kind of operate in the same murky grey area between good and bad plus they are shown together in the comics.

You mean cannon?

I use two of these exact same monitors at work. They are great if you want a sharp display for cheap. The only thing I would knock them on is the base is flimsy, which is true of all Lenovo monitors to be honest. I always mount home monitors anyway, and if you do the same these are perfect.

I use two of these exact same monitors at work. They are great if you want a sharp display for cheap. The only thing

How is the first conclusion made by these guys in response to a mass shooting always something like, “the investigation is ongoing, but the one thing we can be sure of is that the shooter’s ability to obtain a firearm had nothing to do with this shooting.” How are people that cognitively dissonant?

How stupid do you have to believe these though? I’m pretty liberal, but if I were conservative I’d like to think these would be just as glaringly ignorant to me. Like, who cares if a Chinese-American is on the damn school board?

We keep doing nothing to make it harder for guys like the Texas shooter to get guns. We don’t even try to stop them. People like you will say it is just because criminals don’t follow laws and then they will be the only ones with guns. You don’t know that to be true because we haven’t attempted it.

We could also eliminate these horrific crimes by just outright legalizing murder. It is clear that the law does nothing to deter them anyway so if we just legalize murder we can all enjoy greater freedom.

I see these articles on Jezebel and The Root all the time and there are always guys in the comments that seem confused. When someone asks me how they should act towards women they are interested in I always respond the same way: the way you would towards anyone else. It baffles me how many men miss this simple

Diversity training should not be a punishment. It should be required by college applicants before they are allowed on campus. It would provide a little context to some of the less mentally feeble among the ignorant masses and hopefully weed out some of the outright racists altogether.

I agree with you. We should continue doing absolutely nothing. It seems to be working well enough.

I love Kinja deals. I had never seriously considered if I needed to own a tomahawk until this point.

I love Kinja deals. I had never seriously considered if I needed to own a tomahawk until this point.