I have some experience “recycling” gyros meat cones’ drippings. Where do I apply for the job?
I have some experience “recycling” gyros meat cones’ drippings. Where do I apply for the job?
Hacete el pícaro vos...
Come on! Think of the beer! Think of all the wonderful, decent beer!
“Ooops, I did it again”, Florida Edition.
Connect the dots...
One of those rare occasions when someone can bring tears to the eyes of fellow Jalops, and of Jezebelites around the corner, too.
Chill-o-meter: Kimi-esque levels of fucks un-givery.
Please help me with my geography lessons: is Ohio an in-land Florida?
Can’t unsee anymore... Fuck you, very much indeed.
Holy fuck, is this ugly... was this designed by a pre-adolescent of some sort?
Merc meets Merc?
The Camry of US 70's malaise: C3 Corvette.
Jason: There’s this story of a guy in Nebrahoma who wanted to upgrade his Chevette to a Cougar, so he skinned a truckload of kittens and glued the fur to his car. I have a video, look...
Nope. Rich Corinthian Leather, yo...
Torcho, how come you are not yet a billionaire bastard?
Estupendo, dude! Congrats!
Indeed, hermano. Indeed.
If you ever wanted a high density “WTF face”, here you have it.