Argentine jalop in Central America

Florida man, Florida!

That would have involved a couple of ‘gators. Naked, drunk ‘gators.

Autopilot level: Walmart.

Impressive. Comment of the year...

Kidneys, or Jaguars?

Uhh, someone will not get laid in a while...

It looks like an average Trump voter.

How do you think Ukrainians survive Mother Russia and all its fucktards?

She needs to make it to $kaykog’s Lovely Ladies list. It seems a much safer career.

This just broke my whaddafuq-o-meter... Never change, Jason.

Those are not stupid flames, those are glory farts!


The icing on the cup of any authoritarian regime, the tombstone of any decent democracy.

My take is that the dude in charge cannot drive manual, and there was a steep gradient in front of the car, and the dude cannot drive manual.

You are right on most counts, but there is a moron behind the wheel of any -autopiloted- Tesla.

Autopilot kicked in, yo!

But then people go full Tesla:

Pretty sure it’s a Lambo, dude...

The coolest “Free candy” van, ever. Great idea, Torch!

Well, yeah. The kind of moron who plays that shit on public spaces are the specific kind of moron that needs to borrow their younger brother’s 20 year old Honda. Hopefully said moron will not be able to afford any car, never again. No, not even a Cavalier.