Argentine jalop in Central America

Not a logical reason to keep this article here

Just please don’t go down the road of some of your competition sites that have gone full MAGA/Fox News and spew some of the worst conspiracy theory/foil hat crap you can dream up.  Sites have been ruined just by letting people turn the comments section into a cesspool of unverified and fact-less crap.  Agree with many

That says more about the quality of the rest of the posts on the site than it does about this one, my man. 

People like to watch train wrecks. 

My problem is with calling the actions in Gaza “genocide” and shouting “gas the Jews” and attacking Jewish people for being Jewish.

If it was Muslims bombing Jews in Gaza, it would arouse the same amount of protest as the Chinese genocide of the Muslim Uyghurs.  

It was several weeks ago but consider this analysis

What’s going on is war, and the percentage of civilian casualties in Gaza is a fraction of the casualties in Ukraine. The IDF actively tries to prevent civilian casualties, the Russians do the opposite, where is your protest against Russia doing something far closer to genocide? For that matter have you said word one

Yes, we know you don’t really care about cars, just clicks.

Got anything more substantial than obscenities rapist apologist

Yes, the fact that this site resorts to the most specious of connections (bike chains, really?) in order to hop on to hot button bandwagon issues to drive traffic rather than reporting about its raison d’etre well enough to keep an audience is definitely something to brag about. 

If by “editorial” you mean “posting stories related in the most infinitesimal of ways to whatever hot-button issue is prevalent at the time to get the most clicks”, then yes, great choice.

Genocide, you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.

WTF is this article doing on Jalop? Bad editorial choice.

Every door was secured by the exact type of chains? That is a little suspicious.

People who want to make extremely loud vehicles in a sad vain attempt to make themselves feel important or even seen at the expense of all others might be psychopathic??

The SD4 is a 28 question screening that has 7 questions in 4 segments. It isnt like a psych eval or anything.

Why not both?

Tom Cotton just proving once again that he's an idiot.

Tom, that you?!